Signed! 24 Lyriq lux 3 awd

Finally got a deal last weekend, today makes day 11 of owning my Lyriq and so far so good.

I think final MSRP was just under 77k, unit has 19.2 charger, mats, and in color stellar black.

Finally price was supposed to be 537 a month for 24 months/10k miles. But my dealership was including the 2700 miles already on the loaner car towards my 10k a year (I thought this was really weird). So I upped my mileage to 12k a year and that is costing me 568 a month. Only first payment due at signing. My first lease ever and I feel like I got a good deal- you tell me.

(Oh, and that’s with 1500 in negative equity rolled in)

I got the rebate for having a newer Honda, Costco, teacher, and this unit was a demo car)


Is the $2500 loaner incentive still going?

What did they say when you called this out?

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They didn’t have much to say, they were like “Oh that’s why the car is so discounted!” And they refused to budge. But I really wanted the deal and it getting harder and harder to find dealership with 24 loaner cars so I just agreed ultimately.

None of the dealerships in my area would even come close to these numbers so I drove 2.5 hours away for this deal. I didn’t want to chance it slipping away

Did they report the mileage on the contract?

I’m not sure! I paid the first month payment on 12/31 to “lock-in the deal” but I didn’t sign until 1/2, and I didn’t pick up the car until 1/4

Next time, Always go in knowing current incentives and all conditional rebates.


Definitely. I knew going in I was getting $7,000 in rebates. 3k conquest, 2,500 loaner, 500 teacher, 1k Costco.

The biggest issue I had at the end was I really wanted the tech trim- I didn’t care about the super cruise or all these other fancy features. They offered me their last tech trim for $450 a month but it was red which I hated.

Post your contract with PII removed

Yea. You may have more miles on the contract than you need.
Some contracts say millage allowance during the lease.
If ODO reading on the first page is 2700 miles
You still get 12k miles per year.
This is just guessing without seeing the verbiage.

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i know all the dealers in texas…they all garbage except 1 or 2 that will deal. LOL they all know me as well since i was chasing $150 payments with zero DAS on multiple lyriqs. I posted my deal on the forum which was in the $200s so i setlled for decent deal like the OP saying otherwise the car i got probably would have sold in the next few days.


Nice! Congrats! Chasing a similar deal. Lux3 are still at $1000+ in WA.

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Just posted it a few hours ago, not sure if it was approved yet

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I just looked at Your contract.
You have 12k miles allowane per year on the top of 2700 miles. More miles, more fun.


I have no idea how you got the deal you did. I’m going through the process now. I may message you, FYI.

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Really?! That would be incredible, are you certain??

Sure, I’ll keep an eye out for a message!

This is based on the contract you provided.

My contract is also based on the loaner miles, 24 m lease 1800 on it when I got it, 9100 per year instead of 10k.

Is not accounting for existing loaner miles a cadillac thing? Is yours contracted the way @Yen 's is? Theirs i believe allots mileage on top of the loaner mileage.