Signed: ’24 Ioniq 5 SEL RWD, 24/12 lease, $7,397 one-pay, $308/mo effective

Signed a ’24 Ioniq 5 SEL RWD, 24 mo/12K mi lease for a $7,397 one-pay at a dealer in semi-rural NorCal. $308/mo effective.

$48,985 MSRP, $44,170 after discount, plus $1,890 unwanted accessories (3M film, LoJack), minus $10K lease cash. $7,397 drive-off. Does not include $400 turn-in fee at end of lease.

Couldn’t reconcile the lease calculator here with the contract, so :man_shrugging:t4: All I care about is final payment.


possible to share dealer details?

seems like a great deal, congrats! tax included?

Platinum Hyundai Tracy

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Thanks. Yes.

Would mind sharing salesman’s name?

Salesperson is Chantelle

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Thank you for sharing.
Enjoy your ride.

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Congrats and Thanks for sharing the details. Does this one pay includes wear and tear insurance? If not how much it would be?

It doesn’t. No idea, sorry.