Signed! 2025 Volvo XC90 T8 Plus | $439/mo | $0 DAS | Max MSD | 24mo/10k

Thanks to everyone with their feedback in my As the Hackrs post for some of the clarifications on my previous lease structure. Overall, I believe pretty good deal for SoCal without having to shopping around.

Numbers in the calculator are off by a couple dollars because I think I am not getting the dealer fees correctly.

MSRP $76,765
Agreed upon price $68,270 (11% off)

  • $2000 Costco
  • $2000 AMA
  • $500 Loyalty
  • $7500 EV
  • $3500 Volvo lease cash

DAS $0
MSD 10x ($4500)

Payment pre and post tax (10.25%): $399, $ 439.90

Leasehackr score of almost 16


Bmedr, pmed you

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@Bmedr PMed you as well!

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