Signed 2025 Equinox EV Lease

2025 Chevy Equinox EV
March 2nd
-Convienience 1 Package

  • Rebates: Costco executive $1250, GM Card $500, Non GM $3000, Supplier allowance $1000, Healthcare $500

24Mo/10K total lease cost $5460 with drive off included
Effective lease: $227.50


what trim package did you get? FWD or AWD?

This specific vehicle was a LT front wheel drive With an MSRP of $43,590. The dealer also did add $1000 worth of bogus add-on which was Ally vin etching and LoJack. I say bogus because the car is equipped with OnStar. Sale price included dealer discount of $4000.

Needless to say, I think this is the best car for a work commuter at such a value. Nothing against my Tesla, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but I’m so glad I was out even before the drowning in negative equity was about the begin.

Hi. I have average credit and live in San Jose, CA. Have already had many leased with Toyota but currently have a 650 credit score. Never been late in my credit history and well qualified to lease any Toyota.
Never leased a Chevy. Am I qualify for leasing?

You’d have to ask the dealer yourself about credit score and qualifying. If you have minimal DTI, you should be fine. Fremont Chevy is a good place to go.

Thank you.