Ended up pulling the trigger last day of the year on a 2024 AMG EQS Sedan (New; had less than 50 miles), I wasn’t really looking for the “AMG” EQS but the deal was too good to pass. Greatly appreciate this community and everyone’s support and contribution. Process was very smooth with the dealer, signed electronically and had the car delivered to my home on CT. So far its a very different driving feel than the RS E-Tron GT (my 2023 Audi RS E-Tron GT lease just ended) but then again these are 2 completely different vehicles…
MSRP: $152,255
Sale Price: $99,503 (35% off MSRP including incentives: AMEX, no loyalty)
DAS: $1,765 (including 1st month)
Monthly Payment: $799 (including taxes)
24/7.5k lease
//Note: Since it was a NY dealer, couldn’t apply MSD’s to bring down MF further.
I bet he can ask for $10K on SAL and get it with that $799 payment. I wonder if someone were to retitle their lease in CT and then do lease transfer? lol
Both very different, I miss the sportiness of the RS e-tron but the EQS is much more luxurious and sporty (since this is AMG, i would have felt the gap even more if it was a non AMG EQS).
Congrats! great deal… just got a $1614 dollar quote with $2500 DAS on the same
MSRP and structure as yours…thats with AMA and Loyalty! been on their lot over 300 days, going to stay there.
Wow a fantastic deal. Would love to compare numbers once I get to posting my eqs 450+. I love the extra bit of flair the amg had when I sat in one at the dealer. Congrats and enjoy!