Signed: 2024 Mazda CX90 PHEV Premium Plus, $0 DAS, $598/m, 24m/12k

Looked for a deal in my state (OHIO), no dealers were willing to deal at all, told me its impossible to obtain numbers i wanted. Reached out to couple PA dealers , most declined but one got back to me and said they will do it. Done it all in the span of 2-3 days ,all via text and email.

Only down side i found by buying in PA for Ohio resident is that i have to remove very annoying state inspection stickers , there are two of them and they are tamper proof so not easily removed and with registration, they will actually send me a check payable to title bureau or maybe it will be BMV to cover my lease taxes so i will have a take that to them and they will transfer my plate at that point. I’ll take this minor inconvenience as dealers in Ohio wanted $150-$200 more per month with $0 DAS.

Deal Numbers


You saved $5,000 and you found this worth mentioning?

Either way, congrats on the deal.

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Yes, i thought it was funny.
So you saying i got good deal? I kind of was thinking i could have done a little better but thats just my wishful thinking.

Great deal. I am in FL and could never score this deal.I got a PHEV preferred end of Jan and am paying $565. The added dealers fees and other bogus stuff kills many a deal down here. Nice work!

Nothing stops you from getting it outside of FL really. Sure you will have to jump on a plane for couple hundred and drive back down south, but its totally doable knowing that you will save a few grand. Give it a chance next time you shopping for a vehicle, i think it will be worth it.

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I find going to the BMV for an out of state VIN inspection to be worse than those stickers! A scraper takes care of those stickers easily!

yea we got them off already. it took good 30-40min but totally possible. where i live there is no inspections for vehicles, which is somewhat odd in Ohio, some counties do it and some don’t.

I just read that they are cutting msrp on these by 2000

That would be nice for new buyers for sure.

That doesn’t help leases if it reduces the RV too. You’d rather have a higher MSRP, higher RV and bigger rebates, all else being equal.


Have you ever tried to take those off? When I worked for a car dealership we would legit pull sticks to see who lost. NY and PA stickers made me wanna commit sewerslide.

It was first time for us taking them off, major PIA.

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