Signed: 2024 Hyundai Ioniq 5 Limited RWD. $400 / month 0 DAS 13/10

Hi All,

I signed a lease for a 2024 Hyundai Limited Ioniq 5 in Texas for $400 a month on a 13 months / 10k lease with 0 Down.

The MSRP was $55,600 for the car.

The agreed value was: 50,398.
Capitalized Cost Reduction: 14,000
Residual value: $37,252
Rent Charge: $1,314

I didn’t need more than 13 months so was happy with this offer.

The dealership included Term Care Select.




Just wanted to check: you sure that was a limited and not an SEL? The limited usually starts at $57,200. Also, what rebates were you offered to get to $14k? Thanks!


This was for a limited RWD. I am not sure what rebates were used by the dealer; it just showed $14,000 in the rebates line on the paperwork. Another dealership which was in Houston had $15,000 in the rebates line for a Limited RWD; but the price was nearly double what I paid.

What city was your dealer? I am in Dallas and there don’t seem to be any RWD limited in stock anywhere, all AWD that remains.

I bought it was the dealer in Nederland. Another forum member used my deal and got a dealer in Austin to match it.

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