SIGNED: 2024 Genesis GV60 EV Performance | $71.97k MSRP | 36/12k | $657/month | $2k DAS

Signed the deal 4/30/24 in NJ for a GV60 Performance with $16.5 incentives.

DAS + Payments: $24,992
Residual: 55% $39,584

This is my first lease ever. (Ford Options on my 2021 Mach E was a gateway “purchase.”) How’d I do?

$500 off msrp looks like you probably left a lot of meat on the bone.

I suppose I did. I think they applied a $1k incentive I may not have qualified for, so it felt like I was saving $1.5 on top of the expected $15.5k incentives.

I knew it was a bit more than a broker deal, but that wasn’t my preferred color and I was already very new to leasing so was wary going with a broker.

why? you were wary of using a broker who was at least a grand cheaper than what you signed for?

is what i quoted you.


@brettinator is following the common advice presented on LH…

He leveraged the marketplace to identify a target price. But his personal desires around vehicle color and his trust of the sales flow with a 3rd party meant he’d pay a premium to get his own deal constructed.

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