Signed: 2024 Fiat 500e - 24/7500 - $1709 Single Pay - $71 Month Eff


Special shout-out to my friend who helped facilitate this deal. There was lots of negotiations done between many dealers to finally score a deal on this sucker.

I wish they had a black one, but with this price, I can’t complain.

MSRP: $34095
Sale Price: $26000 (23.74% off MSRP)
Doc Fee + Acq Fee: $1072
Tax Credit: $7500
Residual: 54%
MF: .00043

End up being: $1709 single pay with tax and their markup MF

I opt for the $600 charging credit - not factored into this deal structure.
Dealer still have more than 1 in inventory


PMing you. 1010101010

How about sharing the signed details of your lease contract…

Share Your Deal | Leasehackr SIGNED!

Posted! Shared the deal

Congrats @caymencider. Enjoy the vehicle:)

Thanks to @delta737h, @Petrem, for the help on getting this deal for him, without them it wouldn’t be possible:)

Time for a next one:) lol


I wonder if there are any brokers on here who can match this…

Nah, this kind of deal, you have to work it yourself.

Yup, took around a month time


Any advice for a complete neophyte in this?

For context, I’m autistic and struggle with social interactions, yet alone negotiating.

If that’s the case, use a broker lol (if there is any?)

No negotiating required, just pay up.

Replicate that deal in LH calculator, copy and paste it to a spreadsheet & email them out and hopefully you get one to take the bait or give a good counter.

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It’s a long adventure

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Great Deal, I am in NYC trying to replicate your deal. Any Pictures of the fiat.


How do you like the car? Is your dealer willing to replicate? If so, I am interested! I live in NY

3 were sold. Dealer might get more but who knows when