Signed: 2024 BMW i5 M60 loaner, 0 DAS, $663+tax, 36/7500

Very loaded loaner with executive package with lounge roof, M Sport, DAPP, carbon fiber trim, etc. $92,595 MSRP.

We agreed on $71K - that’s about 23.3% off pre-incentive - but they snuck in extra $50, lol. Probably for Uber. They did accept my expired OL code so I let go. They wanted to mark up the MF 40 points to 200, agreed on 180 (160 base).

Looks like an angry panda

Angry Kung Fu Panda GIF


Nicely done! White M-Sport with Shadowline always looks :fire:


Black glass roof helps too

Awesome deal, looks sharp! Enjoy

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nice spec. great deal. bolt up!