Signed : 2023 Volvo C40 Recharge Plus AWD | MSRP : $58,640 | $321/mo + tax | DAS : First mo. + 10 MSD | 36/10k

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Browsing leasehackr constantly, and figured it might be a good time to find a (cheap leased) vehicle for a soon to be licensed teen.
Thanks to all Hackrs.

Deal details as below ;
MSRP : $58,640
Sales Price : $48,981(16.47% off)
Incentives : $9,000 ($7,500 EV, $1,000 Holiday, $500 Lease)
Term : 36/10k
R/V : 53% ($31,079)
MF : 0.00096 (0.00046 after 10 MSD)
Payment : $320.80 before tax / $328.82 w/ AL tax
DAS : $4,328.82 ($328.82 (first month) + $4,000 (10 MSD))**
*Everything was done remotely, and I should consider transportation cost to DAS ($350)
**I thought MSD should be $3,500, and monthly should be $325.61 but funded so, I guess I’m wrong.


Congrats on the ride, and thanks for sharing!

Nice discount. Any reason they were willing to give such a steep discount?

Bonus lease cash included?

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As per vin search, the car had its 1 yr birthday at the lot.
so that could be it.

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Rebates (EV, Lease cash, and bonus cash) were additional.
If I had costco, the deal would have been better.

I am intersted in the 2023 xc40 b5 plus awd, let me know if available and I do have Costco membership

I was shopping a C40 for a bit and this is by far the best deal I’ve seen someone do.

This is a FAST car for a teen. Pedal to the floor is outright scary fast.

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