Signed: 2023 Nissan Titan PRO-4X - MSRP $62.7k - 18/10k One Pay $10,311 w/ 9 MSDs

Yes if you’re in NY, you can only do a max of $750 vs his $3600

What State was this in?

The thread is not even that long. You can scroll up and find the answer.

It says AZ, MN. Does anyone know which State the dealer was located?

Since this is the first sentence of the first or original post, pretty sure this would imply the dealer is in AZ. In addition I answered this question a couple of days ago for you as well.

I’ll save everyone the trouble
He paid a broker to get the car. Just PM him for broker info

Sorry, I’ve been following tons of posts! So I would need residency in AZ to get a similiar deal?

No you do not need residency in AZ. Dm-ing you contact info

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Why don’t you have any Titan deals listed?

Dealer was in AZ, garaged in MN.

This deal was with April numbers and the May numbers are much worse, so this deal is dead.

.00291 MF
86% Res
.00291 One-pay

For May:
.00367 MF
84% Res
.00291 One-pay

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That’s what I figured! My local Nissan dealer was way off.

This is true, but not for all brands. Maybe a broker or someone who has recently had a NMAC funded lease with MSD’s and resides in NY can chime in but from personal experience NMAC treats MSDs such that you can either do all or none. I say NMAC because as far as I know this also applies to Infiniti as well

I think a few members here have confirmed cap of $750 for MSDs with NMAC for NY.

I leased a bmw and no restrictions on MSDs when leasing out of state

@GOAT @max_g ?

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At least one signed deal has been shared showing NMAC accepted MSD totaling $750 or less for NY residents.


Yea $750 is the capped amount

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Residual decreased but the MF is the same. May’s One-Pay is 0.00291 and then 0.00201 with max MSDs. Still need to spread that additional $1300 across 18 months - which does increase the monthly a bit.


Holy crap, glad I snagged one in April

How are you guys liking these Titans? Any dislikes?

How the mpgs on these things? I’d have to think they’re very thirsty.

EPA ratings are pretty much spot on. Maybe a touch high for how I drive though ha!

Combined: 18
City: 15
Highway: 21

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So we both getting one for 2xx? :joy:

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