Signed: 2023 Nissan Frontier Pro-4x - $48.5K MSRP - 18/10k One-Pay $9,420 w/ 9 MSDs

2023 Nissan Frontier Pro-4x (Super Black)
Registered in PA but dealership in MD.
MSRP: $48,500
Sales Price: $44,983.75 (7.25% Discount, Memorial Weekend Sales Event :man_shrugging:)
MF: 0.00299 → 0.00209 (9 MSD- $3,150)
Term: 18 months, 10k miles
Total paid upfront: $9,420 ($6270+$3150)

Besides the usual packages (Steps rails, Kick Plate, Tail Gate, etc):
Convenience + Tech package
Sports Bar (Don’t see many of these)
Fender Audio Package
Kicker Tailgate Audio
Bed Access
Off-Road Protection

Maybe I suck but nobody wanted to play ball. Fortunately, dealership sent out an email about a sale and they only had 3 in stock so I had to scoop it up asap. Will get pictures soon.

Signed link(messed up the monthly but waiting on staff to edit): SIGNED! DEAL | LEASEHACKR


Enjoy the truck, it’s been great for me

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What happens if you wreck the vehicle or damage the truck? Do you potential loose the money you put down on a one pay? I read a lot about 0 down?

Search the forum about it. Im not sure if anyone has actually gone through the process so its all theoretical until then.

Can this deal replicated? It’s actually pretty good. Can you PM me the dealer?

The contract language is not just theoretical and I believe it’s been posted before IIRC.

You are correct