Signed! 2023 Audi RS eTron GT Project 513/2: $182k One Pay 12m/7500 $13995, Buy rate MF ($1166.25 effective)

Having car delivered to me 1st weekend in December from Northern CA to LA.

Mahalo to Sam @Autopia. He works tirelessly and got this deal to the finish line. Signed on 11/14/23. (1 day before Costco Auto expired)

Not quite the deal that another LH sent me: $10k 1 pay, but I’m extremely happy to have this vehicle for 1 year- was not even considering this car- was looking at q8 eTron Prestige SUV to replace my 2019 eTron Prestige CA Lemon Repurchase. Deal structure includes 9.5% LA County Sales Tax.

Offered by another local LA dealer: 10% Innovator discount, but unable to stack Costco or Penfed. Slightly higher amount, but close.

Things I learned along the way on this deal:

  • Adjusted cap cost > the RV by at least $500: otherwise AFS system will reject deal

  • b/c of that: unable to add AC for 1% RV bump. Tried multiple permutations: increase mileage to 10k + AudiCare with max incentives. Suggested adding refundable Audi Pure Protection, etc, but not receptive to that idea.

  • to keep same payment, deal funded without max incentives left $1000 EV Ride and Drive and $1500 Private Audi Loyalty incentive (potential $47000 vs actual $44500)

  • dealer needs adjusted cap cost over $500 > RV to have deal fund and cut a refund check for the difference

  • better to pay $0.25 mile overage vs another 2500 miles for $18199. which would cost $7.28/mile!

  • wrapped cars: need different means to keep the car clean- ceramic coating on top will provide UV protection and hydrophobicity will make much easier to keep clean

  • EV Ride and Drive program was poorly rolled out and communicated with dealers, consumers, and Audi Customer Experience line: it’s a private invite only event to selected customers

  • truck shipping from Northern CA to Southern CA $595

  • $5000 Closing retail coupons: dealers gotta do what they need to do

  • patience when hunting for unicorn type deals


Congratulations man for getting it done. It’s a lot of work especially for the Project 513/2. You got your unicorn deal nonetheless. Kudos to you and Sam @autopia for getting it through.


Congrats on your deal. Post pictures.


You did Fantastic doc ! Congratulations to you and Sam to make this work .


Thanks for the recognition @Samaudibh
Not going to lie, I’m pretty good at what I do, but I did pickup a few things working this deal.
Doc mentioned you are his go to guy on all his previous Audi leases, so I’m sure he picked what he taught me from you.:pray:


Damn someone finally hacked one of these? Congrats bro.

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i had to look up this car, i still dont get it. what exactly did the extra cost go to?

Uh a nice wrap - and some custom interior elements

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Congrats - got offered this model a couple times during my search as well. Question on the dealer cutting you a check part: how does the dealer adjust the cap cost above RV (add ons like paint protection?) and where does the money for the check come from? Their own pockets? If yes, doesn’t that mean they’re selling this at a loss?

Since I don’t work at the dealer- don’t know. I know in my specific deal that they reduced incentives utilized to get the deal to be ok’d in the Audi system.

As for cutting the check on who’s $, no idea. But I doubt dealer would sell at loss unless there was some backend where it would make it worth their while.

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Is it possible to remove the wrap? It might actually be deleterious to the aesthetic, despite the higher price.

I had a dealer offer one of these to me and they simultaneously offered to remove (what they called) “the stickers” if I was so inclined.

Update: car sold // If anyone else is interested, send me a message - it was 9% off MSRP plus rebates. Inflated MF and dealer add-on that you can try to negotiate. I was working with manager on another RS that got away, but he was pleasant to work with, so happy to help connect someone.



Does $13995 include taxes and fees? Thanks!

Yes, all in. :sunglasses:

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Hands down the best - I would’ve signed too lol

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9% off only lol

Sale price cannot be lower otherwise it would be lower than the RV. He put it right in the notes.

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how did he get the deal so good then

All the data is right there