Yes, I did.
I also had the same experience on 1 of 3 eTrons that I did in 2020. The other 2 I was required to put 10 to get the 9 credits.
Yes, I did.
I also had the same experience on 1 of 3 eTrons that I did in 2020. The other 2 I was required to put 10 to get the 9 credits.
Post your contract and I will admit that I was wrong and you somehow magically avoided it being kicked back by AFS.
@calbear PM’d me the contract. Everything checks out and it shows 9 MDSs with full reduction of 0.00045 applied to base money factor of 0.00187.
I was wrong and @calbear is correct. My sincere apologies for thinking you were making stuff up. If that contract is funded then the notion that some Audi dealers get contracts approved without requiring max of 10 MSDs for full 0.00045 reduction is also correct.
Thanks for providing the proof and I’m happy that this is sorted out. Enjoy your ride in good health and thanks for sharing.
Can I ask which dealer ? Am in the market for one.
I appreciate that both of you ( @RustyDaemon and @calbear ) handled the situation well. It’s good to get clarification on things and sharing that information with others while still be patient, persistent and respectful.
When you mean guy found you rebate, like a broker on here ?
Not sure how I missed this tag.
We haven’t been doing as many MSD deals as the past. Prior it required 10 MSDs for a max reduction of .00045. The last few deals I’ve done with MSDs did not validate using this method. Once we reverted back to the old way of 9 MSDs for a .00045 reduction, they validated. This has been on my last 3 or so deals. Not sure when this changed, Audi didn’t update us of the change either.
I was pretty sure myself since your previous info (10 required to get max deduction of 9x0.00005) was corroborated by my own contract I posted above. Just in December, I put 9 msds but my reduction is 0.00040 (0.0017 base to 0.00130 on the contract). I guess AFS’ very recent change. Good to have this info for clarity purposes.