Signed! 2022 Nissan Frontier S 4WD - $35,240 MSRP - $243/month - $243 DAS

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2022 Nissan Frontier S 4WD w/ Tech Package and Bed Liner
MSRP: $35,240
Selling Price: $35,240
Monthly Payment: $243
Drive-Off Amount: $243
Months: 18
Annual Mileage: 10k
MF: 0.00227
Residual: 99%
Incentives: $0
Region: Midwest
Leasehackr Score: 11.8
Leasehackr Calculator Link: Calculator Link

Thank you to the original poster. Cannot be replicated, please do not DM.


I betcha a dollar that you get at least 3 of them or posts here asking for the dealer.

Could you have done MSDs to lower further?

Dealer did not want to do MSDs.

1 Like

Betcha can’t find a single Nissan dealer who knows MSD or is willing to take 5 minutes to figure it out.


Wait a moment, the RV for 18/10k is 99%?!? What the what!

Edit: just looked at the other Frontier thread. Apparently I’ve been MIA after not checking LH for awhile. Congrats!


I found MSRP deal in NY Tri state area but doc fees are $599 and NJ DMV is $400

OP lives in a low tax rate state, low doc fee state and car is probably being registered by the dealers janitor lol (kidding)

Nice job :+1: :clap: OP and congrats


We need an inventory scraper…perhaps ilike2breakthings can be coaxed?

Is the mileage 10k total miles over the 18 months or is it 10k per year so you’d get 15k?

15K total.

I assume the real lift here is getting a dealer to do an MSRP deal? Other than that, not much else that needs to be negotiated?

Basically, yes

Atta’ boy ! Nicely replicated

99% RV…crazy.


My dealer in SoCal is doing $99/mo for 18 months… but is asking $4995 down. Another one is doing it for $170/mo also with $4995 down.

If I try to do $0 down, my payment skyrockets to $500/mo.

Which dealership is offering?

Um…wut the wut.

They expecting you to pay $9000 for 18month? LOL
The deal listed here isn’t even 5k total…even with the ‘CA’ modification…omg that’s bad.