Signed: 2022 E-tron GT premium Plus $497/mo effective

congratulations to OP

That’s what thinking outside of the box is !

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Well, there goes any chance I had. :sob:

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New, or demo? Congrats on the hack!

Great job OP!

@zaimer if the dealer uses the 15% VIP program, it doesn’t stack w Costco for $5000.

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Correct. That was the case on my just signed RS GT.

OP has over 15% off (without VIP, AFAIK) in addition to the $5k Costco; this deal is likely impossible to replicate for me…


It’s a badass deal!

I’m surprised everyone on LH doesn’t have a Costco membership. Even if you never shop there it’s good to have the extra rebate opportunity when needed.


What is Audi VIP and how to get it? i have an etron suv…

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Where were you last month. :laughing:

or get meat in bulk along with cheap gas

There are no locations near me, otherwise I would potentially shop there. And from what I’ve heard (and witnessed while travelling) of the pumps, I’ll gladly pay even double the price for gas elsewhere.

For S&G I just looked up the fuel prices at the nearest location. Premium is about 30 cents cheaper than the average station. I’m not waiting in line for that. :smile:

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post pics, I think this was a once in a lifetime discount stack.

Been ~2yrs since I stepped foot into a Costco but my membership is always intact for these reasons :smiley:

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In before failure to fund by VW credit.

I just sold an altima for more than this.

anyway - OP, number seems a little hard to believe, throw a pic of lease contract up.


title is a bit misleading. Calculator missing dealer fees and gov fees and the up-front $1512 isn’t mentioned. This is closer to $525 effective. Still going to be a great deal, of course, if it gets funded.

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can you adopt me and get me one of these?

PS residual on this calc is wrong - 7500/18 is 68%, not 66%.

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People rarely ever include broker fees or costs (i.e. transport) to get a vehicle landed also. Is there much of a difference. :crazy_face:

“I SiGnEd tHiS StUpId dEaL On mY NeW GrOcErY GeTtEr - $379/Mo.
i wOn’t mEnTiOn tHaT It tOoK TwO SlOw bOaTs aNd a cHoPpEr rIdE To gEt hErE. oH, aNd tHe bRoKeR FeE WaS $2K. bUt iT Is $379/Mo!”


If you ever decide to splurge on internet access, you can also order things from

Costco uses a network of delivery vendors, and they’ll deliver merchandise right to your home!!!