Any word about West (CA)?
Didn’t ask. I was just wondering about these 2 South deals with strong discounts even in normal times.
“Reliable” source was apparently wrong, and it’s $2,250. Right, Ben? lol
EOD - the southern stores in the US right now are the most positioned to sell @ deep deals.
They have the largest inventory + flow through in the country right now. They also have the highest incentives.
Volvo has about a 14% profit margin on every unit, give or take a half percent.
It’s not totally unreasonable to get 16% if its a curtailment unit or they just really want it gone.
Regardless, congrats to OP.
@cndaksqkr in the other thread got 16% and @MyLease2021 got 13.6%. Both great deals, but OP approached the deal in a wrong way, so possibly left $900-1,000 on the table.
Lease cash and dealer cash are different. Dealer cash is typically put into dealer discount and customer wouldn’t know thst information unless asked.
I had 17% off in 2018 which me and you fought over it because how it was wrote lol
Right, and what’s your point? They are both the same deals in the same region with the same lease cash. Only dealer discount is different.
The customer only knew about the 2250 so technically the dealer discount was $6250 with a undisclosed amount of dealer cash
Which customer? OP here didn’t know anything lol
He knew he got 8500 off without qualifying for additional rebates and he knew he was $12 over his target. I’d say op did good
Who’s arguing that he did well? But without knowing all the numbers and only targeting monthly he left money on the table, comparing to the other deal. That’s all I said. Granted, it is not easy to know about extra dealer cash.
I was just comparing my monthly numbers with other broker on here. I initially was targeting around 380$ Including taxes, but settled for 412$. This is my first lease deal so I hope I will do lot better the next time.I was able to get a better deal than other brokers posted on LH. More over I didn’t have to pay any broker fee or shipping fee since all brokers were in NE region. I am happy with my deal and car.
The entire purpose of us sharing correct information here is so that future customers can know that information. A shared deal without all of the relevant information worked out doesn’t help anyone. That’s why we’re trying to flush out the details. It’s not to disparage the OP or be critical, it’s to provide useful information for everyone.
I posted my quote, what other details do you need? I didn’t have volvo, so no loyalty, no A plan discount. I was just trying to find if this was a good deal or I could have done better? I got my answer from other buyer who craked an awesome deal from same dealer. He is pay 200$ Less on over all lease less that what I am paying but for an AWD with no msds.
Your quote doesn’t show rv/mf/incentives so it’s difficult to work out what exactly is going on. In this case, ideally one would extract the MF from your contract and compare it to buy rate and look to see if any rebates were called out on the contract to isolate from the untaxed, direct to dealer incentives. That wouldn’t totally answer the question as to how much in direct to dealer incentives are actually included, but it’d at least tell more of the story.
Enjoy your car, you did very well. Good timing to hit your monthly target
Here you go this has the MF and residual also. But this was a initial quote Clark did to match one of the brokers deal from LH. I got this quote over text, later went to the dealership bring it down.
Is .00089 buy rate or is it marked up?
Here is the corrected calculator based on the $3750 lease cash