Signed: 2021 Toyota Highlander XLE AWD $334 $1000 DAS 36/12k

Just signed a deal today for this Highlander.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021 Toyota Highlander XLE AWD
MSRP: $43,003
Selling Price:$38,300 (pre-incentive)
Monthly Payment: $334
Drive-Off Amount: $1000 (included the first monthly of $334).
Annual Mileage:12,000
Residual:$30,532 (71%)
Incentives: $1750
Region: Ohio
Leasehackr Score: 10.7
Couldn’t get the calculator to match it exactly but it’s pretty darn close.
Leasehackr Calculator Link:


Which bank was the lessor?

Must be an Ally

It was Ally.

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Would you mind sharing who the dealer was? Did you hae to negotiate?, not a lot of negotiation. They gave me what I thought was a fair price to begin with $369 per month with $369 due at signing out the door. I got them to knock it down a little bit after that offer and then I added a $1000 to get a lower payment part of that was the first month payment. No one in my area was getting even close to this, every other dealer was over $400 per month. It was an Ally lease with a very high residual at 71%.

Thank you for the prompt response.

Do you know if they do the MSDs?

Ally does not from what I’ve been told. TFS does I believe.

Just wanted to give a special shout out to OP for helping me out with the details of his deal. I’m pretty close to getting something similar in my area and his tips and information were very helpful to reference.



Did you look at the numbers thru TFS with putting down MSDs?

Someone here in New England just recently posted a $315 / 0 DAS with MSDS on a XLE.

What was the breakdown for your $1750 incentives? All i see is 500 lease cash and 500 lease loyalty/conquest

A few dealers told me their leases weren’t structured to allow MSD’s which was probably a bunch of BS. I just ended up with whoever gave me the best deal for the monthly payment I was looking for.

That probably means they were through ally and not tfs.

You only get $1750 if you lease with Ally or US Bank or purchase. TFS does not allow you to combine cash back offers like that one. I took the $1750, worked out better for me.

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Let us know when you get it done. I still think I could have did better but stock is low in my area and I wanted specific options and colors.

Looking for similar option. Can you DM me the dealer name please? Will try to see if someone in my area can replicate else I will have to drive to Ohio from IL

@surbas100 Did you took the 8 seater one or 7 seater one?

How did you get such a high residual? I contacted 2 Toyota dealerships and they both gave me 67% residual.

Ally has the highest residual

Mine has bench seats.