Signed: 2021 Highlander XSE, $491, $0 DAS

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021 Toyota Highlander XSE
MSRP: $47006
Selling Price: $42500
Discount before incentive: 9.5%
Monthly Payment before tax: $444
Monthly Payment: $491
Drive-Off Amount: $0
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10,000
MF: .0015
Residual: 67
Incentives: $1000 TFS
Region: WA
Leasehackr Score: 9.3 years
Leasehackr Calculator Link: CALCULATOR | LEASEHACKR

After a year of reading LH, trying not to repeat all my mistakes from my first lease last year, here we go - felt pretty good about this one. Seems like PNW is a pretty tough region and also I only gave myself about a week or so to get this done. I tried pushing for 11-12% off MSRP on various trims from a handful of dealers here in SEA and in PDX area, but seems like that was too much, settled for almost 10%.

Tried to match up calculator, but for some reason can’t get it to match exactly, off by $4 on the monthly. They used the $1000 incentive as a down payment, so on the contract it shows $1000 down.

Thanks to everyone on here, I really appreciate this community, especially the efforts to teach people how to structure a deal themselves.

What will make this even sweeter - gonna take my 2020 4Runner SR5 Premium to Carmax this week and hopefully get full $4k over payoff! That will somewhat make up for all my mistakes on the first lease. Either that or the dealer I got the XSE from will match or beat Carmax, such is the demand for 4Runners at the moment.


Congrats. The XSE is beautiful.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but you made 1 mistake here. You should’ve maxed out MSD’s and that would’ve saved you $60 a month !!

Next time :slight_smile:


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Congrats! Enjoy the new ride


Yeah I thought about MSDs but decided it would be easier to swap or sell in a year or so

Nice! In portland myself and shopping 3 row suv’s haven’t looked hard at the highlander yet but have been striking out on xc-90 dealmaking.

Maybe it’s time to start looking at toyota. No one else wants to deal!

Strong deal for the PNW. Well done!

I’m new to MSD, so it’s like refundable down payment right? How much is max? Thank you in advance.

It’s a security deposit that lowers the MF (interest rate), you get it back at the end of the lease

I read somewhere that not all states offer MSD (I’m in NY), is that right?

Every states except for NY.

Why you tag “wa” LoL

It’s a security deposit that lowers the MF. Your security deposit gets locked up during the lease but would’ve saved you a ton on the monthly. Toyota allows 9 MSDs I believe (run your calculater with it to see the savings)

Too bad you’re in Cuomo land, so no go anyway.

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I tagged WA for my deal, he’s not op, just asking about MSDs

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Nice car! Congrats!

Oh man… Bummer

Wondering why you say that? Will having MSD be of any issue while selling before lease ends?

I found 3rd row in Highlander to be absolutely crap. Barely any legroom

I just wanted it to be super easy to swap out or sell, don’t plan on keeping it the full lease.

Msds don’t complicate selling the lease, but they can complicate transferring it.

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Yeah it’s a bit cramped but you can at least slide the 2nd row forward to get a bit extra room.

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