Signed: 2020 V60CC Loaner MSRP $51.6K $311/Mo 12k/36Mo First Month DAS

Literally one of the best Texas deals I’ve seen, this right here is what people in Texas need to do, ask for tax credits! No tax credits, don’t lease the car! Always find the tax credits :crazy_face:


Ask all you like but if captive isn’t offering then you’re SOL.

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Yeah exactly, and these go out very fast and most dealers either want to use them on less popular cars or higher MSRP ones.

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Or to hold gross. Why offer 10% off a car when you can offer 5% and tax credits? Expert mode when you can get both. :grin:

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lmao that’s so accurate

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Nice car and color combo. Volvos makes some nice looking wagons. Nice deal.

The versatility of the space inside the wagon looks great.

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Can you send me the name of the dealer? In TX and interested.

Great deal, congrats!

How specifically did you figure out how long those were sitting on the lot?

CarGurus is a great tool for time on lot

Great if you are color blind! There may be a reason you cannot find that on a dealers lot!

Congrats. Nice car and deal. Got the XC90 and traded-in one of those 2018 S90s, we wish we hadn’t. Can’t wait until the pull ahead time is close. Would love a V90

Sweet, Nice score!!!

insane deal for the price. congratulations. were you looking for dealers to see how long cars were sitting?

Well, I didn’t even have to look for them, none of the Volvo wagons sell in TX so there’s that

This deal is from over 2 months ago…it was a totally different situation (much higher lease rebates, Costco rebate, higher inventory, etc).

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About $2,250 less in rebates but slightly lowered MF, so ~$60 more per month if anyone were to replicate this deal.

No more Costco either, so that’s another $60/mo to add.

I’ve counted the $2k costco. Volvo’s incentives is $5,550 vs $5,750 back then in the south.

Good evening,

Is there a way to see a combined list of all the Volvo incentives atm? seems like they’re the best to lease right now. Also theres some bonusdrive rebate for $500 for leasing them too from Allstate.

Build the car on Volvo’s website and on the summary page click the payment estimator button and type in your zip. Shows the eligible incentives.