Signed: 2020 Chevrolet Traverse Premiere 1LZ Redline Edition $564/mo no down payment

I’m sure there are other 7 passenger SUVs that lease better but I kept finding myself drawn to the Traverse. So after researching awhile and contacting many dealers online and by phone, settled on this deal which was better than what all the other dealers were quoting me on this trim level. I was considering the RS (2LT) as well since it was close in features and had a more favorable MF, I but I really like the Redline Edition and the numbers seemed okay for this specific vehicle with a selling price below market average on TrueCar and no money down other than the standard fees. Below are the details and link for calculator:

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 Chevrolet Traverse 1LZ Premiere Redline Edition
MSRP: $51440
Monthly Payment: $564 (Tax included)
Drive-Off Amount: $1740
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10,000/yr.
MF: 0.00121
Residual: 56%
Incentives: $2,250 ($750 Standard GM and $1500 GM Lease Loyalty)
Region: MA
Leasehackr Score: 7.6
Leasehackr Calculator Link: