Signed : 2020 C43 Sedan $525

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 C43 Sedan
MSRP: $ 62,000
Monthly Payment: $ 525 incl. NJ tax.
Drive-Off Amount: $ 800 total incl. First month.
Months: 48
Annual Mileage: 10k
MF: .00157(.00087 after MSD)
MSDs: 10
Residual: 56
Incentives: 1000
Region: Northeast
Leasehackr Score: 10.2

Pictures to follow everyone. Long story short discount off MSRP was about 12.25% plus 1000 incentive. This was also a custom order.


Seems like a solid deal on C43. Good work.
What was the MF and residual difference for 36/39 month?
Does the deal include the maintenance pack?
Also, what dealer is this?

Money factor the same for 36. Residual would be 60% for 36 months. No maintenance. Benzel Busch Mercedes in Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Very hard time getting deal highly doubt they would replicate. Great sales rep “Matthew Beyer”.

This is an excellent deal. Well beyond solid.


Great work for customer order. Thanks for the dealer info.

Solid deal. I assume your drive-offs wasn’t $800 only since you have MSD MF?

This actually seems in line with what we got. We are paying $625 for at $68K MSRP.

Are you planning on doing lease swap after around 2 years?
Thanks for dealer info, I’ll see if they want to sign another deal!

Drive offs was a total of $800 including first month. Everything else rolled in. I consider MSD completely seperate because it is given back.

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Yes that is my plan. I usually keep cars around 2 years then swap. I put like no miles on my vehicles. If i have 10k in 2 years it would be a lot.

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Great job! I’m glad that we’re starting to see C43 deals again. Congrats!

Good luck! We are in same boat and bunch of time wasters even with two months free as incentives. Lol

I have a carbon fiber trim stick on if you want it for free. Doesn’t fit my rear doors cause of the upgraded sound system

Did you put it on swapalease?

Pic added. I should have more tomorrow.

Yeah. All broke people inquire about it. Never doing 4 year lease again

Dont see your car on swapa. Is it still on?

Yup still there. Doesn’t have wrap on it anymore though

Great deal and great looking car. One thing that is confusing me is that the car appears to have the night package since it has black trim and mirrors but does not have black exhaust and side skirts. I’m guessing this is a 2019 or at least built like one?

Yeah it’s weird. Our 2019 has night package but no black tips? I seen other colors with it :man_shrugging:t4:

Hell is going to freeze over with me saying this but, I actually liked putting 1k miles on one of these at work. Only criticism: I found the seats uncomfortable for me—couldn’t adjust driver’s seat to where I liked it—BMW for the win on seat comfort but, was impressed with the C43 and I am NOT a Mercedes guy.

Great deal by the way. Didn’t know M-B put 48 mos terms back on the map.