Definitely not a looker, but great deal for commuting. But I’m also considering a Mirai from @Cody_Carter . So I guess I shouldn’t be talking
C’mon, it’s not that bad looking!
No comment… lol
Is bonusdrive still available?
It looks like a Testarossa next to a Mirai
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I just signed a 2019 Hyundai Sonata 2.0 Limited. I had to roll in two payments to totaling $600
MSRP : 33455
Selling Price: 29400
55% Residual
.00173 MF
$4250 Incentives
Sold in NH, live in Mass.
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PM sent. Best of luck!
Just spoke with the salesman who I worked with on this deal. He’s getting a new delivery of inventory, but he’s not sure how long his manager will let him keep discounting these so aggressively (my guess is a little while, with the redesign coming in the fall). If you’re on the fence but want to give it a shot, contact me and I’ll get you in touch with the salesman. It sounds like a few members were able to make deals in the last week or so!
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A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill
Do you know the dealership info for this deal?
I want this deal can you put me in touch with the sales representative
Thanks in advance
Sent you the information. Good luck. Let me know if I can help!
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill
What city is this deal in I am very interested in getting one I am in California.
Spoke with the salesman on this one. This deal has long been dead.
This was in the Northeast. I’m in Los Angeles and the best I’ve been able to find so far is 0 das and 240/mo with 9.5% tax included. Also the incentives are 500 less this month.
Oh okay thank you for your help.