Signed: 2019 Honda CR-V EX-L AWD, 36/12; $335/month $681 DAS

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 Honda CR-V EX-L AWD
MSRP: $32,345
Monthly Payment: $335
Drive-Off Amount: $681
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 12k
MF: .00065
Residual: 59%
Incentives: $1000 ($500 dealer allowance + $500 conquest)
Region: NY Tri-State

I know we’ve maybe seen stronger dealer discounts on CRV, but this is an AWD in a normal color and within 20 minutes of where we live. I did email numerous dealers within an hour and among the ones who didn’t respond, didn’t want to beat my other offers or made ridiculous offers ($400/month+) this was the best one. We were in and out of the dealership in under an hour.

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Could you add a LH Calc link?

I tried, but the upfront wouldn’t match up since i couldn’t adjust like DMV and dealer fees

I guess this link is the closest I could get to match it, I had to fudge some numbers like DMV, but essentially it’s $344/month all rolled in.