Signed: 2019 Audi E-Tron Prestige


Thanks! I can only find 1 2019 e-tron at this point. Another one is some loaner thing they can’t lease and the ones that show up in Audi Marin don’t show up on their website, maybe a glitch?

These are pretty much it: down to 18[object%20Object]&marketExtension=include&isNewSearch=false&showAccelerateBanner=false&sortBy=relevance&numRecords=25

Thanks I don’t know why Audi inventory doesn’t show the same as autotrader. I’ll take a look here!

What do you do when a dealer tells you theyve already considered the marketing allowance and that’s why the vehicle was discounted to begin with? Do you say you’d like to negotiate based on MSRP? I’m stuck b/c I was expecting the additional discount and so I negotiated the “price” thinking I’d get an additional $7k marketing allowance discount.

You might just have to walk. It sounds like they won’t budge anymore if they’re factoring the marketing allowance into their discount. All you can really do is lay out the deal you’d like to see

I’d recommend that in the future you don’t try to negotiate piece by piece. Tell them the numbers you want and never assume that incentives/allowances aren’t included in something unless it’s explicitly stated they aren’t.


What price were you expecting excluding the 7K marketing allowance discount? The numbers would be way too advantageous for you if you were expecting an additional 7K on top of whatever you pre-negotiated…

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which dealer and do they have any more>

There was absolutely no way the marketing allowance was excluded in the discounted price they showed you. Your expectations were clearly unrealistic if you thought the marketing allowance would be additional.

Pretty sure the ship has sailed on 2019 Etron deals anyway.

You’re totally right and that’s my mistake. Regardless we’re still in discussion about the vehicle and see if I can get it lower. The deals are gone I suppose but the pricing is still better than a 2020 or 2021 etron and for 3 years I don’t mind much that the vehicle is 1 or 2 MY older.

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Have you considered looking at a 2020 or 2021?

For a 2021, you would qualify for the season of audi (1,500) and if you have penfed (1,000)

I believe the MF is strong at.00077 & RV for 36/10 (Prestige) is 46% with 11,500 lease cash.

May not be as strong as a 2019 but if you can secure a strong pre-incentive % discount, you may come out with a strong offer.

Given this is a 2021, you would have more options with dealerships as well and it would just be a matter of finding a dealership willing to play ball and there are plenty in Cal @DonnyAudi @Samaudibh

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Yeah good idea I think. I will have to work on it. I’ll message those guys as well!

.00077 MF and 50% residual
$10,250 lease cash

.00077 MF and 46% residual
$11,500 lease cash