Signed: 2018 BMW 330e loaner - MSRP $52,995, $0 DAS, $330/mo

As always, thanks to this forum for the great content and direction. Would have been better with MSD’s but needed for another project. Solid deal overall, and wife love’s the car - there were BMW LED logo projectors installed that we didn’t know about and freaked her out at the grocery store last night - funny!

2018 BMW 330e loaner (2,483 miles)

**MSRP: $52,995
**Selling Price: $44,500
**Monthly Payment: $330.81 (incl. 9.5% tax)
**Cash Due at Signing: $0
**MSD: $0
**Incentives: ($6500, $1000 loyalty, $500 OL)

**Months: 24
**Annual Mileage: 10K
**MF: .00227 (waive acquisition fee)
**Residual: 66% (after mileage adjustment)

**Region: So Cal


From Crevier BMW? If so…

My quote for this one was $334 (tax included) for 24/10 without royalty :>

Where was this at? Having trouble finding a loaner and everything else is over $100 more right now :confused:

what’s the horsepower on this? if it’s something lame like 180 I think it’d be a waste of my money.
googling 2018 bmw 330e horsepower gives me a range of 180 to 320 so that’s why I am not sure

U tried bmw website?

that $0 DAS- WOW!


This is a solid deal, with usual drives offs you would be well under 300.

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Crevier in Santa Ana - Hernan was the sales rep. Great to deal with, completely transparent, and had everything ready as discussed when I got there. I highly recommend him if you can find the right car there.


That’s almost a unicorn, great deal and congratulations on your new ride.

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Do you have any info on this? I spoke with a dealer today there and she wasn’t helpful.

You need to speak to more dealers. Unicorns aren’t found easily.

What did you speak of? Did you just hand them this quote and say match it?

Yeah, that’s not how it works? LOL no I mentioned about different postings on diff dealer’s websites and they are stating without an official quote they believe the websites are bait and switch attempts.

I know that’s not how it works…that’s what I was getting at. They won’t honor anything that’s not in writing. Honestly, can you blame them? Anyone can come in and say that Joe Blow got this same car for 200/mo, can you match it?