Should there be a law against ADM?

Someone is going to buy it thinking they got a great deal when the dealer “discounts” the markup to just $35k

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I see your 73k ADM on a Z and show you a 300k Markup on a GT-R

They say the grass is greener on the other side - but in Canada where ADM’s are illegal, its almost impossible to get cars when cars are in shortage. For example, a highly sought after German car could be $125k sticker but $250k used with a few thousand miles.

Dealer will be the ones choosing their buyers; they will choose buyers that have higher chance of “trading in” the car within a certain time period.

Supply and demand game, hard to win.


West Herr (known for overpricing their stuff) has one for ‘only’ 255k.

Correct there’s ways around it. Like offering 100k for a 50k trade in. Adding aftermarket stuff as well. Capitalism always finds a way to prove that govt interference in markets doesn’t work.

And if they want to play the “equal housing” or “equality for buyers” game, you will see a repeat of the 2021 GPU crisis. My local Best Buy, Micro Center had campers 24/7 in front of the store. Whoever at the front of the line during a supply drop will get the first GPU at MSRP

Micro Center had inflated MSRPs. Bought my 3090 for $2400 from them when 2 months before crash


This is my issue as well. Price them however you choose, but disclose the price! I have run into this shopping used online in the past week. Found a car on cargurus at a Hyundai dealership an hour away. When contacted, they admitted that the cargurus price is not the “out the door” price due to aftermarket packages. They refused to tell me the amount of markup over the phone. I see no downside to making this practice illegal. It probably already is.


Thats the best. Saves me a trip to a dealer that wastes peoples time. If they won’t tell you the price then it’s too high.

Franchise agreements sometimes they can’t advertise over or under certain prices also. There’s no reason they can’t quote you over the phone however. Maybe ask for internet sales managers in the future.


Yeah, I have a big problem with dishonest pricing. I don’t care if there’s an ADM or blessings. Just be up front about it. I’m not sure why dealers are so sketchy about disclosing pricing before someone takes their time to show up. Also, why would dealers want to waste their own time?

I’ve had a 5k deposit for the Escalade V for months, and the dealer assured me that they only do MSRP pricing - “we don’t do ADMs, we’re not that kind of dealer.”

Well, fast forward to last week, and I get a call saying they can’t do MSRP and they need me to pay a 20k mark up. Which, in the grand scope of things is a fair ADM for this particular car, imo.

What made me livid is the dishonesty. If they had been up front about the pricing, I would have said no thank you and moved on. Instead, they spew me some BS about how they do business certain and honest way. To me, this dealer is the worst type of scumbag dealer, even worse than the ones asking for 100k over sticker.

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Get it in writing signed. Then you have legal recourse. You’re not new here no free pass amigo!

On the other hand if you can flip and profit why not! I want an Escalade myself but I’ll wait. I know how they depreciate in “normal” markets…

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I know some people have had the same experiences as me above, but this is the first time I’ve had a dealer back out of a gentlemen’s agreement on pricing.

I wasn’t really hot on the V once GM started their no flip policy crap, but still leaves a bad taste. I pulled a trigger on a Yukon XL Denali today instead.


Also, I’m not the type like some people coming in here looking to get lawyers involved - like that guy who wanted to sue Ford because he didn’t get a car on time :joy::joy:. If I have to have everything in writing about what a dealer says, I probably don’t want to be doing business with them anyways.

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I wouldn’t get lawyers involved either. Just a simple flick of the contract they signed would force their hand

Look what social media did to that corvette dealer last week! power to the people


Yeah, but you get where I’m coming from. I doubt I would need something in writing from you if you quoted me a price.

Did you know the dealer? Also if it was more then 9 months ago I wouldn’t ask either for it in writing. This is all new to everyone with these markups. Unprecedented. I just hear more horror stories then most, talking to so many people, so if I lock something in I want it in writing. My main dealer also owns a Chevy store. I got my z06 at 50k over in writing. I don’t trust any quotes these days from dealers. From brokers that’s different


It’s only been 4 months. To be honest, I was probably lax due to never experiencing this myself. Still doesn’t make it okay, period.

Though I probably wouldn’t be as salty if it wasn’t for the 5k deposit they took. I was gonna use that money to bag hold BBBY!!


Wait they’re allowed to change terms and keep your 5k? Not uh bro. Principles. Don’t care if I have a bill that won’t fly

It’s refundable. Just tied up my money I could have blown on bad investments.

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