Short guide for who gets what for EV lease incentives (California)

Moving this useful page to FAQ and making it wiki-editable! is right. SCE does not have rebate for fuel-cell.

On this page, it says the eligible vehicles are:

It does not say fuel-cell is eligible. It does specifically mention leased vehicles are eligible. :slight_smile:

Sce allows the rebate for one vin number for up to 3 times, so if the original owner/leasee sells or transfers the car to another party, the new party can claim the rebate from SCE.


If I’m following this correctly, for a 2019 BMW i8 Coupe on a 24 month lease in SoCal, with a residence under LADWP, I would see the following eligibility correct?

Federal Tax Credit - none, bc Leasor (BMW FS) gets it.
California CVRP - none, because it requires a 30+ months lease
California utility incentive - none, because I’m under LADWP and not Socal Edison or PG&E.

If my predictions are right above, Are there literally any other state tax incentives or any other possibilities for a EV related rebate/credit?

The only one i know of that you would qualify is actually for a charger instal, $500…as you stated, you missed all the big ones.

You are correct

Last I checked on the SCE website, it said the charger install rebate was a test program that expired in May 2019. Is that a stale notice? Do you have any update on this?

The SCE charger rebate did expire…the above post was in response to someone in the LADWP area which still has one. If you are not under them you can still try the rebate from the South Coast Air Quality Management District

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Can you add the link for the California State Rebate?

While it always had Income restrictions, there is currently a wait list for many applicants. I was able to get it 3 years ago for my last lease, but this time I doubt they will have funding. The wait list started in June…so I assume it is pretty large so far.

So just because you “qualify” or received it before, it is probably not a smart move to have it be part of your numbers on whether you can afford a particular car.

Do you know what happened 3 years ago when i got my first one? The exact same thing…i got on a wait list and after 3 months they sent me an email sayin* they got funded and checks will be sent soon.
My money is on green.

I hope that is true for ALL people, but in this case 3 years has drastically changed the numbers involved for EV’s in California, and an already 2 month waitlist, with many, many, many Tesla Model 3s sold in that time along with a lot more EVs from all manufactures means that the numbers are probably going to be a lot higher than 3 years ago.

Also there are a significant number of us who got into EV’s 3 years ago who are now coming up to the end of our lease and thus going to push the numbers higher.

As I said, I fully hope that there is money when my lease ends in 12/19, but as of this time, I can not truthfully assume that. I have not heard any rumblings about the bill and funding for it, so it does not seem like it is a slam dunk, nor imminent.

The sellers are also not mentioning any caution about this issue, and saying “Net zero down as long as you qualify for CVRP” even if it gets funded instantly, there will be a delay until you get that $1500 or $2500 check.

I hear you…i got one this year and waiting for the second now. The dealers can’t really mention this as part of a deal due to liability, they can’t possibly know if you qualify…for a number of reasons.
I think many underestimate the influence CARB has in state politics. There will be alot of other programs that will be canceled before this rebate goes away. What I expect them to do is cut it in half to account for the big ev influx of the recent months.

You guys have some great programs out there in CA, it sounds as though there are some uncertainties and variances locale to locale, but it beats the simplicity and certainty of the EV rebate program in FL :grin:

You have to have it registered for 30 months…

Does anyone know if the i3 rex still counts as a BEV for CRVP?

It’s on the cvrp site in some places for the full $2500, but when I goto the list of eligible cars it only shows the i3 and i3s now.


The REX is a version of the i3 that’s why you don’t see it. It still gets the $2500.

Ok, thanks. The website is confusing. This is on the front page where it lists i3 and i3 rex.

But when you click through to the full list it’s just i3 and i3s.

I know when the REx was first available it didn’t count, so was wondering if maybe they removed it from eligibility again.

If we decide to go ahead, I’ll make sure to call CVRP first

No, unless the car is on hydrogen then you can get a third one.

Looks like it got funded again, YAY!


For federal tax credit, I wouldn’t say ‘none’, I would say ‘based on pass-through from leasor, up to $7,500 Federal limit ($5,669 for i8)’ however, my understanding is BMWFS passes on 100% of the tax credit.