I’m selling my 2022 Range Rover Velar and Carvana came in with the top offer. I uploaded all the correct documents, thought I was ready to go. Then this email came in:
Registration Renewal Receipt
Your current California registration has expired or expires within 75 days. In order for us to purchase your vehicle, we require your vehicle registration to be current, with at least 75 days remaining before expiration. Once you renew your registration, please upload a receipt of payment and allow 24-48 hours for us to verify the status with the CA DMV.
Is this a state requirement or a Carvana thing??? I don’t want to pay $800 to register and then just turn around and sell it the next day. The registration is valid through the end of July 2024, so I’m not sure why they’re requiring this.
If it is a California regulation, and I’m going to have this issue no matter who I sell it to, can I register the vehicle as Planned Non-Operating (PNO) and then sell it?
They want it done because in Cali plates stay with car and they can sell with a side benefit being new buyer doesn’t have to pay for plates since valid until next July.
Less than 75 days appears to be their policy. It takes time to recondition, potentially transport it to the strongest market for the vehicle, and then marketing time before they find a buyer.
Meanwhile the clock is ticking on the current registration.
If you look at this pragmatically, if your current offer is X – and they didn’t have this policy – the offer would have been X-$800 – but the allowance they had to make for registration renewal wouldn’t be broken out.
I have a couple offers that are within $200 of the Carvana offer, contacting them to see if they have the same 75 day requirement for the registration.
In CA, Registration follows the VIN, not the plate, and then you go to DMV to transfer it to your next car. You will need a copy of your old registration I believe, so take a picture of it. This only applies if it is a ‘special plate’ and not some random number sequence that you happen to like. (I THINK)