Sanity Check Used Car Market and New Order for S5 Cabrio

I just took in my S4 lease for service a couple days ago, and it turns out I have approximately 5k of positive equity in it! I recently moved to SoCal and the heart wants what the heart wants, so I’ve had my eye set on the S5 cabrio (if I was a smart man I would be hopping on these wrangler 4xe leases, but alas I am not). With that being said, a dealer I’m friendly with is giving me 8% off a custom build at buy rate. With the chip shortage, are used car prices projected to continue to inflate over the next 4 months? I’m aware that Audi exclusive paints residualize, but historically do they hold value better than the captive anticipates (I’m looking at cumulus blue)? I’m trying to figure out what my anticipated monthly will look like but it really just feels like throwing darts at a board.

I’ll leave it to experts like @Samaudibh to say what’s possible on an S5 cab (:heart_eyes: choice btw).

There it is :cupid:

Get the residual, MF, and incentives for your zip from Edmunds. Plug everything into the calculator to see. Don’t forget audi care and the residual bump to see if it makes sense.

Cha-ching! Check back please.

You are vacillating on a residualizable blue? Get it.


Don’t forget the audicare too :heart_eyes:


I have the MF and RV NSFW Calculator but the moving target is the positive equity. As of right now there are no incentives on the S5, however I plan on using the equity as a “rebate” in addition to whatever is available when the car is built (summer/season of Audi/ Costco-Fire sale bonanza). I just want to feel a little more confident that the equity will be there before putting down a 5k deposit. Here are pictures of the previous gen sportback with the same exterior/interior color combination, just delete the roof.

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I’ve never seen that color - maybe the only bluish shade that would work with a red interior imo. Exciting!

That blue is borderline ‘off-white’ haha

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That’s about how blue you could make cotton candy before it became bitter