Rumor: US EV credit to increase to $10,000

Manchin isn’t touching this thing as it is written. This is going to get dragged out, unless Dems can find some Rinos on board.

I think it’s the date that they have an issue with. I think it’s done by late Dec.

Trump trashed the GOP senators and reps who voted for the infrastructure bill (that he tried to pass). There is no one in the GOP interested in helping the Dems right now for BBB. Romney trashed it and Murkowski is going for re-election now so no way she’ll cooperate.

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Agree - this bill is dead in the water. Infra alone was a big win.


So is the 7500 gone as well at the EOY or it will continue?

It continues until something replaces it or the brands max out their numbers


If nothing happens, nothing changes


So when does Tesla start their price drops?


Ugh there goes my plans for the Hummer EV :slight_smile:

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Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


When wait times on base models comes down from 6-10 months…


Or people stop taking deliveries - there are a lot of people who’ve already priced in the tax credit in their decision.


No one is interested in voting for it because it’s mostly social welfare with a pretty name. That’s why those same people wanted and voted for the other infrastructure bill.


Certainly a possibility. It would be interested to see how much this effects them.

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I think if the bill dies it won’t be as catastrophic as one thinks.


I don’t think so either, but I do find since Tesla buyers are generally more “tech-savvy” and they have a large following online, I’d imagine this kind of discussion is happening in other places online and other people have factored it in. I’m not under some grand delusion that it is some huge % of their orders, but it could make a ding. Guess we’ll have to wait and see how things play out.

If you can’t afford it without a tax break then you can’t afford it.


I’m not a koolaid drinker by any stretch and as a brand they have issues across the board. But, personally, I see the value in these cars even without the rebate. That may change if prices continue to go up dramatically on their end.

They’ve set a high bar, IMO, and only now are competitors getting close.

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I just wish they would be more right to repair friendly.


It is not neccessarily a question of affordability, but also a question of cost-benefit analysis.

It could be that for people Tesla at a certain price wins that comparison, but at a price + 7500 looses it to other car.

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