Round 2: Electrified GV70

Last time I went in blind and learned some lessons. I’ve reached out to a couple of brokers for alternatives, but we really want to try this particular model if we can at all.

Would love some feedback on my calculator inputs before I send to dealer.

set tax rate to 0% and added $500 for SC sales tax to fees.
rounded fees to 1,500 to cover sc title registration and ev fee +sales tax +property tax(in SC I think I also owe personal property tax)
set the ev credit to untaxed because it goes to dealer.
set the loyalty credit to taxed because it is to customer.
set sales price to straight MSRP minus incentives.

This represents an “ideal” deal so please tell me what is wrong with it!

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2023 Genesis GV70 Electric. Dealer info doesn’t square up