Reviver license plate

Few questions about these:

Are the plates married to the car or can I move onto a different vehicle/change plate it’s displaying? (and request regular plate from DMV)

Are they resellable?

Is there anything to stop someone just ripping them off my car on the street?

Thank you

Update tags with your state?

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Good call thank you

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The plate sits on a bracket and is secured with screws. Someone would have to unscrew it to remove it, like any other license plate.

If selling the old car, and it is required to have plates on it at the time of sale, just put the original plates back on.

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If you like losing money, I’m sure it is, as ANYONE can buy it new. New buyer must be in CA

They have built in GPS and no one else can use it as you can report it and the plate changes to STOLEN

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I’ve had mine for a couple of years now and I’ve transferred it from one car to the next very easily. Probably 5 different cars. Easy to install and change to the new car. I do have the battery version though, not the hard-wired one.

Not sure about the resellable part as I haven’t tried. And there is a monthly plan tied to it, so not sure how that would work anyway.

There are two rubber covers that go over the two screws securing the plate to the metal bracket. It’s a special star shaped screw. So yes if someone has the tool they can rip it off, but you can pretty quickly report it stolen on the Reviver app and the plate will be useless to them at that point.

Overall I’ve been very happy with them. Looks super clean on the car and gives the car an upscale look.

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It’s state by state. In some the plates go with the car, in some the plates go with the person.

Even for the states where the plates go with the car (like CA in my case), you can just put the physical metal plate on the car and reset the Reviver to use it on your next car. You don’t have to give them the Reviver.


This is Reviver which is CA only. So your statement is moot.

It’s more than CA, they’re legal for sale in Michigan and AZ now as well :cowboy_hat_face:

But yes, if you’re transferring the plate to another vehicle you just upload a pic of the metal plate and paper reg assigned to that car and it updates instantly on the Reviver Plate.