That’s untrue. I’ve taken over several BMW leases from people who were 1000+ miles away. I have never had to return the car to the dealership where they leased it. This would make lease transfers a lot more complicated and expensive.
My BMW dealer has it on their website that they will accept a lease turn in even if you did not lease from them. As long as it is a brand that they sell new, they will take your lease turn in. Unless it’s something with the lease agreements in FL that require it.
Something must have gotten lost in translation. The original dealer is the only one obligated to accept it.
In this market I’m sure many would.
I’m still amazed I don’t have any equity. I have <16K miles on a 30K lease (should be at 28K right now). On the questionnaire to estimate the value, I did check that there had been after-market modifications (window tint and a black grill to replace the chrome). Would this make a big difference in the amount of equity? And in general, why is there no equity in 330i’s, as you guys mentioned above, when it seems every other vehicle in the world has thousands in equity? Just curious.
This is a way leases are not good…you paid for 10K miles a year and only used like 5K…also 330 as commodity sedan is just not as desirable these days (non SUV, small engine, etc)…and a lot of them out there…your ‘mods’ have nothing to do with it.
OK, thanks for the info. The low mileage is solely due to the pandemic, not typical of my driving. At this point, the only reason NOT to turn in the vehicle is the fact that I won’t be able to get a comparable vehicle at a comparable price. So will I be happy leasing some non-luxury-class car for the next three years? Knowing me – no.
In addition, what are the best values and leases on a new luxury non-SUV for my next lease? TYIA
Look on autotrader, etc for a cheaper used version of what you will be returning.
best values and Leases on a luxury auto?
Buy buy buy right now.
Thanks! Buy what?
Pretty much anything you can find at MSRP or below.
Maybe even your 330 if the repairs are reasonable.
Right now, no one is giving a ‘good lease deal’ on a luxury car (No, the 4xe is NOT a luxury auto folks), well I did hear a Nissan Murano is a good deal, but do you really want a Nissan?
Hold on to that car for about 12 months, then sell it when the deals become better.
Find a broker who gives 6% off for a 330e, purchase it and pocket the $5,836 federal tax credit plus whatever state/local/utility rebates. All bets are off if you don’t like PHEV though.
Actually, this is why leases are good. The manufacturer subsidized the lease with an inflated RV. Even with the low mileage, he still has no equity. Yes, he could have paid a lower lease payment had he built in less miles and that can be a problem with leases, figuring out exactly how many miles you’ll use but financing the car wouldn’t have magically added equity.
If I hold onto my car (buy the lease), then I have to put more money into the maintenance now at 30K miles - oil, new tires, new brakes, etc?
Of course, that’s one of the ‘terms’ of the lease, don’t forget registration.
Jeep wranglers
That’s not a luxury car.
A nice 4 wheeler perhaps but never a luxury car.
I posted the list of all the luxury cars leasing well and then gave one other option for something leasing well.
You’ve already asked this question here. Don’t bump up other threads asking the same question.