Report: Honda Clarity PHEV Sales Now Limited To Only California

Just demonstrates that there’s little to no market for these in states other than CA, dealers are probably glad they won’t have to pay floorplan on forced allocations, nobody needs extra boat anchors on the lot.

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Built in losers, woohoo.

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i have an bev clarity, which is a rarity. but i see a LOT of phev claritys in the neighborhood in norcal. i have 18 months left on my lease so starting think about options. maybe extend lease $200/mo or less and 20k miles (i do use 17k miles/yr so far), get a phev if the price is right or buy a model 3 and hope they fixed all their quality issues…

We bought one about a year ago and sold it to Carvana within 3 months. Basically broke even with the tax credit. I never got the full story from my wife what she didn’t like about it, but that is the shortest time period we have owned a new car. She did decide to leave her job at the same time, so that contributed to it, but we could have easily kept it. I personally felt it was a very boring drive.


Our Touring lasted 10 months. Although it wasn’t a bad car, it wasn’t a good fit for Colorado. I should say it would be a great car in an urban environment where it’s not taken on long drives or through mountain passes with lots of uphill inclines. Its limitations are very apparent in those type of driving conditions. Add in some freezing weather reducing EV range by about 10 miles, it was a no brainer to sell.

I loved the car in SoCal but could not stand driving it in CO. The downhill regens were the best on I70 East through the Rockies though. Could go from almost empty to full charge. Of course that’s after the uphill portions where the car struggled and would not go faster than 45 mph in some of the tougher terrains. Sold it to Carvana for a few hundred over buyout in April and someone in Austin ended up with it. It’s probably happier there.


This will be the fate of many Ioniqs which are being leased right now. The love story of the great deal will quickly fade in the heart of winter.


The limited versions should do just fine…you get what you pay for.

Not buying that at all! The engine has a high rev sound on big incline but the car has no issues going fast uphill…i took mine to 8000 ft with no problems…maybe yours had other problems.

You ever driven in Colorado?

No. Anything special? We have mountains in CA too…

7% to 8% grades up to 12000ft or more, plus snow and cold and/or unknown road closures. I’d have no problem using a PHEV in the city(Denver), but driving one in the mountains is a completely different animal. I can understand why someone would get a rid of one if it was their only means for getting to the mountains.


Yep, the altitude in CO makes driving a vehicle vastly different compared to driving around at sea level. Super small engine + less dense air = no power to go anywhere.


It seems some of us can make Colorado mountains out of California molehills


Hey, fun fact, one of them molehills in CA is taller that any mountain peak in CO. Another interesting fact is CA has the snow record for US…as said before, let’s not get into facts now when we can keep trolling.

I do get the well made point of small engine at altitude…all I’m saying is that i did test this car in these conditions and it didn’t run at max 45mph. Also, that small engine is 1.5l…there are quite a few cars that have that engine and are plentiful in CO.

I read all of those angry bee posts about the Clarity on steep inclines and experienced that on and off but this was totally different. We did a whole lot of climbs in Utah and NV passing many Priuses that appeared to have a similar speed limiting issue before we got into CO. Maybe it was karma from the hybrid gods for passing those guys at double their maximum speed, but the sustained inclines of the Rockies defeated the little hamster & wheel under the hood of the Clarity. Perhaps I could have employed a different strategy during the climb but, when charge dwindled, all that was left is the hamster with no EV assist at 30-35% less air density at some points of the steep climb with a full payload. Gas pedal was to the floor and revs were limited to the 11:00 position.


Sold it after owning for 3 months(9800 miles) in Eastern PA. Fun ride on my commute to NJ until the EV lasts, after that, it is just bunch of angry bees. Couldn’t stand it any more, traded to Tesla(price matched to CarMax), made money at the end after tax breaks.

2 Likes so I think what’s being said is that these cars are good cars, just don’t expect them to work in any given situation. They sound great as commuters, within the battery range

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You got a 40 mile EV range Hybrid so you could put 10k miles in 3 months???

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I’m puzzled by your experience.
I just did Big Bear a month ago with 5 people in the car, through Waterman which is a steep incline but high speed limit. I was doing 60 mph and sure the car was screaming but had enough power to pass and everything. EV was out so only the gas hp was pulling the car up.
The noise is nothing new, alot of people complained about that…the reduced speed sure is…if you have the time please post this on the Clarity forums, i would be curious to find out if anyone else shared your experience. I looked for anything similar but nothing was posted…or I didn’t see it.

Joe, maybe i sounded a bit defensive…but my interest is to find out if there is anything wrong with this car as my wife drives one. This reduced speed is something i only heard for the i3 REX and no other car. Ours has almost 11k miles on it and 0 issues so far.

Yeah you sound really defensive, but that’s pretty consistent with all your posts. If anyone criticizes anything about an electric or plug-in hybrid, you accuse them of being a liar or uninformed. Like I said they have their place, but they are not at the point where they can work in every environment under any condition.


Evs? Yes…phevs…hell no. The implied idea that a phev is not up to your CO roads is just nuts…after all a phev is a gas car first. This one has a 1.5l just like the Civic.