Repelled by high car prices, Americans are holding on to their vehicles longer than ever

Portions were super small. Basically ordered everything on happy hour menu after we got the first few dishes. Might have had 3 drinks myself. Wife 2, but I assure you it was $212. Most Miami restaurants add 20% automatically to the bill so that’s all I tipped. 9% I think for restaurants also in taxes here

Hell, that could be an easy $80-$100 in drinks alone, if not more. Then you’re left with $50/plate. While I wouldn’t call that eating on a budget, the pricing certainly seems believable. :man_shrugging:

Spot on @EC99

Will add that it was towards the tail end of the Bush administration. The Democratic Party carried the crisis-fighting effort that was started by the Bush administration.

But there was a political price to pay. Bush lost the backing of much of the congressional Republican Party.

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Taxation is Theft
End the Fed
That is all.

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That’s the best thing I’ve read so far this morning.


Brokers live the MTV life. :slight_smile:

And here I am complaining about spending $10 at McDs (no happy hour).


Look at rich boy over here. I drive a Nissan, when I wanna get fancy I order the $4 chicken bake instead of the $2 slice of pizza from the Costco food court


Do you by chance live in a cabin in the woods?


The Costco food court is straight legit. Love that place.


I do not. But I want to…preferably with a lease payment that isnt as retarded as the current state of affairs

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Must be nice to buy fresh pizza by the slice. Talk to me when you live on one pie for a week


You need to shift to the rotisserie chicken, $5 can last over a week.

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I’d have worked harder in school.

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Must be nice to have a fridge and a microwave


Point was it’s 50% off happy hour. So any other time it would be a $450 + meal

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Yeah that’s crazy. I agree that its almost difficult to tell yourself that you got a “deal” at that point.

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Which school has the best broker program?

i mean i went to business school. it taught me how to run a business…


Holy crap.

LH ought to sponsor tuition assistance programs for a BS or BA in Business or Poli Sci.

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i thought we wanted them to succeed not piss away all their money???