Reddit removed /leasehackr :(

Any one have a clue how to get the page back online? Said it was deactivated due to spam…damn dealerships!

Dealer lobby is strong on Reddit.


Unlikely to come back. It’s the dealers likely since it hits them when trying to scam innocent buyers.


Instructions are in screenshot. You’ll most likely have to moderate the forum.

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The activity was light on it relatively speaking so wondering how much spamming was going (though I hadn’t visited in a while). Reddit has been a little trigger happy with closing down forums now that they are publicly traded.

F’ing dealers. There has to be a way to get Reddit to do something. Sad that such a great community is lost

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I’ve been on it the past couple of weeks. No spamming whatsoever and moderate activity. Mostly lease checks but good quick info could be found

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Try the iX sub, solid advice there for the most part and they like us. :grin:


Dealers are always helpful.


This got me :rofl:

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No trust me, I checked it yesterday or the day before and it was an insane amount of spam with links to watch the new deadpool movie etc. i was confused at how there was so much spam posts, I thought Reddit was broken. I wonder if a filter failed.

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I promise you it’s not a dealer conspiracy. I visited multiple times a day, and historically it was super useful, but the spam levels were absolutely bonkers over the past few days. I guess the mods couldn’t get a handle on it and were banned by Reddit.

So bummed, It was part of my daily regimen. Maybe it can be brought back and better moderated.

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Idk, most of the users over there would benefit much more by coming here to the real LH.


The blowhards at /askcarsales make for fun reading.

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Went there and realized it’s gone :frowning:

its been replaced by r/leasehacker

the old mod of r/leasehackr was MIA, so likely they didnt fight any ban requests. this new one is moderated so it should be around for a while


A post was merged into an existing topic: Spammers - [report them here]