Rate my deal! 2021 Taco SR Double Cab 4x4

2021 Tacoma SR Double Cab 4x4
MSRP: $34,967
Selling Price: $34,656
RV: 86%
MF: 0.0006 (single pay)
Term: 27 months
Mileage: 1,000/month
Total of payment: $6,750
Hacker Score: 11.7


Yes, solid. Congrats

RV: 86%


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To be fair, the residual value in reality of these lately has been over 100% :joy:

But yes, solid deal overall.

Happy Undercover Brother GIF

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Effective payment $250. Ride it until the wheels fall off!


In that case it would make more sense to buy it.

The nonsense of third parties buying cars at the customer payoff (ie below fair market value) and the customer keeping all the equity is not going to last forever.

At some point they’re going to fire the moron who allowed it in the first place.

You’re potentially giving up a lot of upside.

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Nope, definitely not going to last and the window has already closed partially with captives setting new buyout restrictions - but hey, it’s been nice to exploit a market inefficiency for the time being!

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