Ram 2500 Laramie w/ Sport Package - $670/m and $9k DAS

I agree with ALL of you. Now you know the lack rational I’m dealing with. That said, we take delivery today and sometimes you just have to polish the turd. @sledbeagle2 - At least this truck is WAYYY more capable than an Accord, that deal was/is borderline criminal.

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Sometimes you can only play the hand your dealt.

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This is about 41,160 to lease this for 4 years, then a purchase at 47% residual? That’s 73 freaking thousand dollars. Should have just bought the thing outright as your family member is paying more than sticker. It’s too late now, but hot damn…

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One man’s turd is another man’s $73k Dodge Ram…

Props to you OP for at least putting in effort to work this out for your family member regardless of how much money they are throwing away. Also props for posting this here knowing it would be a shit show.


Thanks to the OP for sharing a data point, which is really what this sub is for. It’s not for crying over someone else’s spilt milk and it’s not to trash deals, which could make other people reluctant to share their data points.

In the interest of stopping any further beating of this dead horse, this thread will be closed.