March 14, 2019, 1:30am
Sooo many threads on this topic already. It’s a made up thing, don’t get too attached to it or even assume every car is attainable in 1% realm. A couple threads where it is discussed, all found with search term ‘1% rule’
I’ve been reading a lot about the “1%” rule and the pros and cons of using that figure to determine if a lease is a good deal or not. For those why may not know, it says monthly payments should be about 1% of starting MSRP, so $600 for a $60,000 car would be a ballpark good deal. I also don’t know if taxes should or shouldn’t not be accounted for here. I do see the flaw in that calculation, as it does not account for lease term variances (36,42, etc.). What I am trying to understand is how to de…
As of 13:54 EDT,
63% are democrats - expect everything to be taken care of by some magic “rule” they heard of
13% are republicans - expect everything to be paid for out of pocket
12% are libertarian, they believe in no govt taxes
12% are kids since they still believe in fiction
and 0% are green party since the answer always depends …
And that’s the other side of the argument. Either way good info and perspective, thanks.
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