PSA: Disqus ads on Leasehackr

If you’ve been browsing Leasehackr on mobile lately, you may have noticed weird ads like “OMG LOSE BELLY FAT IN 72 HOURS!!” on the bottom of each page.

Fret not, Leasehackr hasn’t been taken over by spammers or hawkers of products with dubious medical claims. Rather, Disqus, our blog commenting hosting service, has instituted a new policy whereby these ads are mandatory – unless we pay a monthly fee to remove them.

We’d like to stress that Leasehackr does not receive compensation for any of these Disqus ads. Our apologies if they in any way detract from the experience of browsing Leasehackr. However, we think the value of having Disqus is still worthwhile on balance. Feel free to let us know your thoughts!

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Is it browser-specific? I have yet to see anything. I’m using Safari on an iPhone.

It’s in the articles on the main Leasehackr page, not the forum!

that would explain it…I go to the forum by default :slight_smile:

Why not have your own targeted ads to make money? I would rather see ads for cars and accesories than belly fat but plus you make the money as opposed to disqus??