Possible 2020 X3M Loaner Hack (20% off pre-incentive possible)


I guess my question is if lease support truly ends March, will someone be able to close a lease deal on it tomorrow morning?

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Probably not.

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I would go against that and say yes, yes they can. I’ve seen it happen with multiple dealers, especially when it’s only a day off. Does that mean __FS will let it through? no, but that’s up to the dealer to take the risk.

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Not saying it’s not possible but the dealership is probably not gonna be incentivized after this temporary spike. As others have alluded to they have yet to see much out of the specific dealership.

$55k that is way too generous good sir.

I mean yes OP did create a spike however the car is not difficult to identify as a potential hack. A simple 5 minute search would yield results.

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Wonder if they got a photoshopped quote like the i8 incident.

True, most seasoned hackrs know how to find jt, but I really wonder how many people called, genuinely curious lol.

Enough for them to think they got a gold egg!

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Deleted details to prevent a surge of interest for someone with more patience to try to teach them into the right lease deal.


Mission impossible->Completed

Excellent. Glad the thread helped in some way! Please post the trophy whip when it’s all finalized!!

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Sorry for the teaser, I updated the post… hit submit in the car before I stopped to finish it

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Read the update lol

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We’re you talking to the salesman or sales/finance mgr?

You should’ve prob asked for the finance manager . What happened in reality is that they weren’t actually selling you the truck for ~20% off. The salesman (like most) was prob clueless and doesn’t understand the structure. Had you spoken to a finance mgr, you could’ve gotten to atleast the bottom of it (their numbers)

Regardless, told ya it’s pretty much impossible with those DC dealers. They tried to pull a whooptie on ya, thinking you didn’t know your numbers.

Happened to me recently on a 5 series deal (for a family member) until I had to break down every single portion of the contract. They kept sending me the reversed numbers and I had to go backwards to calculate rent charge (on the total lease) to figure out they were marking up the MF. Until I actually spoke to the finance mgr and the discount was sufficient to meet their raised MF. My saleswoman didn’t have a clue. She was just a corpse to bring the car out back…

Good luck in your hunt

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 4

So long saga with this.

I was talking with salesman, then sales manager and then finance manager.

Walked them through the deal. Had them plug in every number and they’re like it’s spitting out XXX number. No one, I mean no one, I spoke to seemed to even understand the calculations didn’t make sense because simple depreciation + monthly rent charge was at least 260/mo off.

  1. They were using vehicle advertised price instead of msrp to determine residual (ie 55% of 66k instead of 55% of 79k).

  2. I told all of them the residual is actually 53.3% cuz of mileage adjustment, again, no one had a clue what I meant.

  3. They were willing to sell it at 63k in addition to the 4K in rebates (ie 59k + fees)

  4. They provided me a lease proposal (after we agreed on sales price and MF) of 877/mo which was about 32k in total cost before taxes and DMV and I told them that depreciation is only about 18-19k and rent charge (mark up) only is about 4-5k before taxes and we are about 10k apart.

  5. I told them There must be some error or you’re not actually willing to sell it at 63k. They said no, my calculations were wrong the car was mine at 63k but at those numbers- they couldn’t take any further loss by meeting me (at my correct numbers)

  6. I thanked them all after failing to have them understand. It should be noted that all of them at one point or another referenced the complicated lease calculation and they didn’t know how to do it- and the program they were using was giving them the numbers they were giving me.

  7. They refused to leave me alone and got calls and emails every day after lease support ended, still offering me the car for the same price but to finance it. I said no thanks. Once day, on a 2 hr drive I did get on the phone to express that I wasn’t in the market anymore. They still call me and email me that their numbers were right.


Either they have no idea what they are doing or they are intentionally misleading. I’m going with the former.


Im going to say it was the latter.

I really just think they were trying to “play nice” with you and tell you that they know better
and that their “computer” knows better and based on their selling price that you’re getting a great deal.

Its all simple math. Had you asked them for their worksheet, their numbers wouldve been exposed but dealers are hesitant to give that out because it shows their cards and for guys like us (who know what we’re doing) we can pick apart their deal. Also, customers can use that to shop other deals.

On the last BMW deal I worked for my family member, I had to go back and forth literally a dozen times to pick apart the numbers. They wouldnt give me the lease worksheet. At one point, I even said “let me make this easy for us , just send me the worksheet and I can tell you where our discrepancy is” LoL.

The finally sent me an actual printed lease contract with all the numbers and I actually had to reverse the numbers to get the money factor. I had to calculate the total rent charge over 3yrs and back it out to see the MF was marked up. Thats when I was on the phone with the finance mgr and said “look, thats fine, I’ll let you make some money on the back end of this deal, but your discount needs to come down”. He agreed and we made the deal.

At some point, you should have to realize this wasnt the dealer and have to move on to the next. They just didnt want to sell you the car at that price.


I did that, saw their worksheets. They still send me them, the last time for 24mo lease, again using a dealer sales price for calc residual.

I even had another guy take a crack at it and same result.

I moved on quickly but they still are persistent in telling me they are right

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No shared deal here