Porsche v Broker breakout

More like if you got a free puppy the. Took it around a bunch of strangers and expected them all to love dogs.

At the end of the day brokering is a subset of LH. Put Brokers behind a paywall, problem solved.

Are you preaching to me? lol

Super Supporter Marketplace, only accepting one-off deals

The product we all want LH to become: a tool to qualify buyers and separate them from the deal chasing tire kickers.


I think this site would face a lot of backlash if the best deals were kept behind a paywall. Scott’s own Rolodex of quality clients though, I think that’s fair game.

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Call 1900-POORSCHE


To cheer you up, can i uber eats you a tray of chicken fingers from Dom’s deli. To your office? Lol


That sounds tasty. :yum:

Dude, this is a leasing forum. At least throw some monthlies his way. Lease five Turbo Cayennes or one former Dom’s Deli location.

Too much work for $1k - @JD81 is right way more money to be made at the Toyota’s and Honda’s

Subtle bribes accepted but not required at the bottom of the ad. :smirk:


Lolol I figured you guys would appreciate the key/bribe money. Maybe you should change your broker fee to “key fob money”.

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Wow, a sad but true “state of LHer” situation.

Meanwhile…the pool is looking good and way better than the quality of a large part of the current LHer member ranks. Chlorine and getting the chemicals correct can only eliminate/fix so many problems. :wink:


Keep up the good work. Unfortunately I’m in no position to become a client of yours, but do thoroughly read through your posts and appreciate the time and effort you put into them and the deals you offer here on LH. Did your dealer say how many calls/emails they fielded?


I’d be happy with that :grinning:

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You get your cut, don’t you? lol

" …1000 more?"

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Anyone looking to skirt a $1k fee should be disqualified from ever owning/leasing a Porsche.

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I don’t think the problem is so much giving away availability of one particular unit, it’s the knowledge that the deal exists and can be structured this way on other units. By sharing this one deal, essentially a blueprint has become public, and everyone runs off to see if another can be found.

If you look at brokers as content creators, the current model here is crazy, with brokers actually paying to share the very knowledge that shrinks their business opportunities. It’s like MrBeast paying Youtube to post videos.

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I would argue that without YouTube/LH you could craft all the content/deals you want…you’re not turning into Mr Beast without the platform.


The brokers didn’t share that busted Maserati resid special lease with the general population.

I wonder how many of those Maseratis made it to lease maturity without breaking down.