Porsche Taycan Pricing/Features Discussion

Most likely not until the hype settles down. Then again, no Porsche sells based on volume so don’t expect BMW discounts.

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$9,000 for 0.328 sq feet of extra leather


stop. i can only be so erect.

This car is phenomenal. It is easily the best car I have ever driven, and I am no porsche fanboy. Between no cost of gas AND no sales tax, it’s up there on the list for the next one when the i8 goes back.


Any Porsche Taycan lease leads?

Only car I considered buying out right and not leasing. I’m gonna give it a few years though. Not ready for electric only yet.

cool your jets bubba you’re going to hurt yourself

whens the order going in?


only if it lasts longer than 4 hours…

@fredyge94 LFG…


I got quoted around 2 for 125k Msrp. Thought that was actually pretty good for first offer

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Not terrible. 36 month term?

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36/12 actually.

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Only Porsche can get away with charging more for less.

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Can only get better with the lower MSRP ones once people stop paying sticker price. Hopefully we see some LH-worthy Taycan deals in the near future.

Never happen. Just buy it if you really want it. Numbers always favor buying a Porsche. Especially a 2-3 yr old one


Generally agree, but it’s so new it’s a big residual risk. Should the value hold up? Yes. Will it? :man_shrugging:t2:

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I doubt it from a payment perspective. RV will still probably in the high 40%/low 50% area with the typical PFS money factor. The $7500 tax credit helps, but I don’t see any huge discounts given the newness and price point. People who were looking at $2k+/mo Taycan leases can now theoretically get one for sub-$1500/mo.

Still waiting for my 30% off taycan wam.


helps also to have no sales tax on it :slight_smile:

What I like about Porsche’s are their timelessness which is why I think resale value on 718/911 is so good. Not sure how Taycans are going to fair now that they are packed with tech. It’s going to be like phones where tech on cars is going to be outdated within 2-3 years time :man_shrugging: