Porsche Macan S Lease

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: [2017 Porsche Macan S]

MSRP: [$58500]
Selling Price: [$55000]
Rebates: [0
Trade-in: [$0]

Months: [39]
Annual Mileage: [10,000]

MF: [optional]
Residual: [optional]

Security Deposit: [$0]
Total Due At Signing: [$1,200]
Monthly Payment (incl. tax): [$240]

Zip Code: [11223]
Sales Tax Rate: [8.75%]

Lease $699 a Month with Taxes and Fees Upfront

Is this a good deal its a base Macan S

What is this part? Typo?

Yes that is a typo sorry about that

I am not an expert. In general monthly payment has to be less than 1% of MSRP.

Hi Fred,

I don’t know the Macan, but I’ve gotten a great feel for the build quality of Porsches and how their leases tend to work as I’ve shopped for a Panamera for my business.

Ask the dealer for the money factor and residual they are using. They are likely using .002 or slightly higher. That’s equal to 4.8% interest or so per year interest on the depreciation and use of the car. If you think about car loans generally, you can usually get 3% or less per year on a loan, and it’s even less encouraging when you think about BMWs that lease for money factors of .00140 or sometimes less. This means that for the same amount of monthly, you could either lease a $100k BMW or only a $75k Porsche.

That said, If you love the car, this is what you’ll have to pay as Porsche leases are just not great deals. If you are leasing the car for business purposes it’s probably not a bad deal for a Porsche.

You can ask them to reduce the MSRP more and see what they say. I also thinking waiting until the end of the month to push them, may get some more off the price. I have been able to push dealers on their “teaser leases” at the end of the month and they generally reduce fees or chop a bit off the MSRP.

The only way that I’ve figured out to get a “good” deal on a Porsche lease is to do an assumption on someone else’s lease- preferably where they’ve put a huge down payment up to bring down the monthly. You can check swapalease or sometimes Craigslist.

Someone might be able to make better comments on your specific Macan situation, but that’s my take as a finance minded, practical Porsche shopper who is coming to terms with the practicality of Porsche leasing.

Good luck

Not good yet. Lots of room for nego

But are you sure it is a MAcan S for 58k MSRP? The MAcan S seems to have MSRP above 65k.

Google says s starts at 54.4k

Yes, he negotiated 7% off MSRP and this is a base car with only heated seats

Hmmm, something is off here. The base price for a Macan I believe is $48.5k. If dealer is claiming a base price $10k above that, there’s more on this car than heated seats.

Macan S. 20 cchhhaarr

Not a bad deal for Macan S. I am not able to find one at that MSRP or lease locally, so lucky you :slight_smile:

I’m an idiot. Was that 20 characters?