Please help-Volvo V60 lease end

Bleu mentioned she got a 3 day extension, which should be enough time to find out what VCFS is willing to do.They might be willing to give her an extra month or two to cover her until an ordered V60 arrives. Problem is they can’t be ordered yet.

Volvo had a crazy XC60 month to month rental to hold people over until an ordered 2016 XC90 came out, but there was a huge demand for that delayed car.

I didn’t even know you can request 3 days extension which is nothing, really. What’s the point if you can extend by 1-3 months on a month-to-month basis and can return your car at any time during that period. You don’t need to have a car on order to request up to 3 months, right? At least I didn’t and extended for 6 months, but it was long time ago.

I believe nowadays they don’t grant 3 month extensions without a car on order, unless there’s a hardship situation. I’ve seen extensions in the past as well without a car on order, but I’m pretty sure they don’t do that anymore.

Will see what they do when I try extending. I think it’s been discussed here before.

I just spoke with the head of the VCFS western region. 5 months is the maximum extension they will allow with a new car ordered. No extensions otherwise except in individual one-off cases, such as Bleu’s 3 day extension. They will always entertain special requests, so Bleu can make a special request for up to 5 months.

I spoke with them also, not on the “head of the VCFS” region level of course. Was told that any extension will require a reason and approval (48-72 hours), and can go up to 6 months, but 6 months will require an order. And must be requested in the last 30 days of the lease.

Both KD6-3.7 and Ursus are correct here. VCFS will only extend 3 months with an order number on a new car. VCFS’s site (which Ursus shows here) shows an option to extend. What isn’t clear is you must have an order number to do so. It must happen within 30 days of lease expiry. They are very strict about these terms.

My 3 day extension was for both personal reasons and to identify if VCFS would work with me for a special circumstance. I had been considering the XC40 with a lead time of 3-6 months. VCFS was willing in that case (with and order number)to extend to the maximum of 5 months. After test driving I didn’t feel the XC40 was “the one”.

If the 2019 V60 had a solid release date, pricing, and was available to pre-order I was ready to do so! The timing is not lining up sadly.

The dealer I originally leased from is pushing me into a car I don’t want rather than listening to my situation and giving helpful advice. I have since contacted another dealer who appears more willing to help.

Been a longtime Volvo client but this was my first ever lease (with Volvo or anyone). VCFS can hopefully review my case-on time payments, under mileage, car in excellent condition-and see that extending my lease would be good business sense. Keep a loyal client happy and in a Volvo until they can get another Volvo.

Thank you again Hackr crew for all your assistance and advice. This forum is a treasure trove of info. I will be better prepared next time I lease.

That confirms 3.7’s intel and that VCFS customer services is clueless. Good to know that I can only expect 5 months max extension and that an order is required in any case.

I was just thinking about this, @Ursus, and it’s actually one of the reasons I came here! I think your lease is up before mine is, correct? I’m technically October 1, but I picked up the car in September, so I have some leeway.

I’m trying to figure out what to do and starting to look at pricing, partially so I don’t get hosed. The pricing on the 2019 S60 is just so out of whack. I get they want to pull in people from the German cars, but why should it be $8,000 more for the same car with the same options? A least on an Inscription is priced almost the same as an S90 now! I think that would be a more viable option, especially since they are apparently never going to put a price on the V60 and there’s been so much hype around it. :stuck_out_tongue:

So basically, what are people thinking of doing as your leases come toward maturation? Going to other brands? I really wanted to stick with Volvo, but I feel like they’re alienating a large group of people who were around $400 a month and can neither afford more nor will pay more.

Also, I’ve heard that you can technically “order” a car but then cancel it once it comes in if you don’t “like” it, so that’s how you can effectively extend your lease if need-be, so long as you have a refundable deposit. I think my friend ordered his XC60 without a deposit though?

They gave me three months on my s60 lease because the new 2019 wasn’t out yet. Ultimately it STILL isn’t out and I had to jump into a 2018, bit they DID give me three months without an order.

If I were you I’d make a deal on an S90 or v90. Where deals are GOOD.
OR a 2018 s60.

My son just picked up an s90 yesterday (through nyclife, thank you) for 399 10k/36
With 6k at signing including msds

Thanks, but I’m definitely NOT getting a 2018 S60. I have a 2017, so that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

10k isn’t enough for me. I’ll need 12k; I currently have 15k, but since I started working at home an extra day, I can shave off a few thousand miles. I also don’t have $6,000 to tie up for a few years, so that’s not going to work, plus I’m in NY, so even if I went to an NJ dealer, I don’t think I could put down MSDs, even if I had that kind of money. I do have A-plan though.

You can get a 5 month extension if you order a 2019 S60, which should start showing up this month in limited numbers. They’re going to build as many as the market can bear, so once a dealer knows he’ll have unlimited allocation, he’ll discount them decently, although there probably won’t be much incentives for a few months. The MF is already 0.00077 for all the T5s up to 39 months (but the RVs drop off a cliff for 39 months), which is decent for a new car.

No A-Plan yet on the 2019 S60, but it could appear quickly since Volvo is ramped up to build lots of them.

You can use msd in NJ as a New York resident. That’s what my son did.
I also didn’t want to tie up money up front so I understand.
If I were you I’d email Quentin with your parameters and see what he can do on an s90.

Thanks, I will/was planning on it. I can’t pull ahead until at least next month or January 1, depending on how Volvo looks at it, either delivery date or lease begin date. I also don’t want a 2018 anything, especially due to low residuals at this point. Plus, based on what’s on the A-plan site as of today, there are almost no bonuses on 2018s. It was over $10,000. Now it’s barely $3,000.

My lease is up in March, so I still have time. But I agree, MOM doesn’t even have leather now and Inscription approaches S90 territory. They got too expensive for my liking. I may look at different brands, but not sure what exactly. I may place an order and see what deals will be available and, like @Weedy said, may look at S90 or XC60 and/or loaners.

Looks like well equipped Inscription is only about $2K more than a similarly equipped Momentum, pretty much accounting for the leather. And you get access to the Bowers & Wilkins stereo and the ventilated/massage seat options. Momentum lets you access less standard equipment, but I agree leather should be available like it is in the 2019 XC60 Momentums. The leatherette is surprisingly hard to distinguish from leather, though.

I cranked up a lease on an Inscription with everything except Bowers and massage seats and it wasn’t pretty- $665 + tax with $0 down @ $500 under invoice. The MF is okay for a new release, but the RV isn’t good enough.

The allowances probably need to be in $5-6,000 for any Volvo to even possibly work for me. And it is not happening any time soon on 2019 S60/V60/XC60. So that only possibly leaves S90, but unlikely due to the tariffs and them coming from China.

Why not a pull ahead on an S90?