Planning on leasing a Kia sportage vs Hyundai Tuscon

Hi all,
Here is the situation.

  • Moving from NY to NC in July
    -Currently leasing 2021 Hyundai Elantra good condition, lease ends this july (3yr, 10k/year) and currently only at 20k miles
  • upon moving to NC, Wife and I will each get a car.
  • This post is mostly for what I would do for her car (i will post separately for me - lucid vs rivian vs tesla)
  • My current plan was initially returning my lease in july in NY. Renting a SUV to drive down to NC and then leasing both our cars in NC (cheaper insurance, cheaper registration, fees, and i am assuming cheaper lease in general compared to NY.
  • I am now thinking of possibility of trading in my current lease in june/july (avoiding the $400 disposition fee and avoiding having to rent a car) and use the new lease to drive down to NC.
  • Ive been researching extensively on kia sportage vs sportage hybrid and leaning towards getting that for my wife.
  • Kia sportage EX- eyeing one vehicle with MSRP $31,135 - discount (1,750)-> 29,385. (Per edmonds forum- .00251 MF and 67% RV)
  • Kia sportage EX hybrid - MSRP $30,185 - discount (1,000)-> 29,185. (Per edmonds forum- .00260 MF and 65% RV)
  • I have been talking with one dealership already (was told its to early in april to strike a deal for july but will keep in touch). I already told them that i want to pay as close to invoice price as possible.
  • also told them this would be my ideal My Out the Door price = Invoice Price + TTL (3% highway tax, title, license) + doc fee - discount equal to doc fee.
  • O down


  1. Should I continue with my plan to just return lease car in NY and lease in NC for cheaper
  2. Does trade-ins make a significant difference in my out the door price
  3. Have you seen better deals for KIA sportage vs tuscons? My wife ideally wants the cheaper of the two.
  4. Trade in is under my name, can i still trade it in to use for her car? or my trade in only works for my new car
  5. How have you got a dealership to give you closer to invoice pricing
  6. Can i realistically make a deal this early in the game? Just wait for end of June?
  7. If its better to trade in, it would ideally be to trade-in in NY and lease SUV because my current Elantra wont be to fit our stuff for our move including our 90lb dog.
  8. If i lease in NY, can i register and do all insurance stuff in NC?

Thank you!

Not an experienced hacker, but…

You’re asking a lot of questions that are not necessarily super related. I think the first thing would be to determine if your Elantra has any equity. If so, you may wish to sell it now to capture the equity. If not, then you can simply wait until June to start thinking about a new lease.

I don’t know if “invoice pricing” really has any meaning or is a good goal to set.

I don’t know about the NE, but I thiink Tucsons are generally cheaper leases than are Sportages (at least in CA).

Is there a reason you assume a lease from a NC dealer would be cheaper than from one in the NE? I’m under the general impression that the NE has better deals in general.

It’s just cash equivalent. You have $10K equity in a trade it’s no different than $10K cash. Don’t overthink it.

Invoice doesn’t mean anything. Ignore it.

Everything else you’re asking is giving me a headache, lol. You’re way overthinking this. Drive your current car to NC and then once you’re there if you lease another Hyundai you’ll most likely get some loyalty bonus, $500 or $750. Whatever you’re doing in NY you can do in NC and save yourself a lot of headaches.


It doesn’t. And it’s not.

Based on these numbers they are likely to be atrocious leases. What’s the effective payment you calculated?

Post link(s) to LH calculator outputs

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Or why not just look at the Tucson, since OP says the cheaper of the two…?

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Who knows what assumptions the OP made or why this arbitrary binary between Tucson/Sportage in the first place.

A flawed conclusion from a false construct isn’t useful or valid.

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Thank you! It was just based on assumption that most things in Ny are more expensive (rent, houses, tax, etc). just assumed there would be more upcharges in NY. not based on any actual facts

Thanks for clarifying on trade ins. Oh interesting! I thought it was in our advantage to be closer to invoice pricing to avoid the major markups. Thanks for simplifying

Dealers get all sorts of bonuses and incentives and rebates. So the invoice for any particular car is kind of meaningless in that context. They may lose $1000 for selling “under invoice” but make $1500 on a dealer rebate. And then selling that one last car, gets them a $5000 bonus for selling 10 of those models in a month.

That type of thing. And I’m totally making these numbers up as an example.

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@Boomba @max_g @paranoidgarliclover Last few questions.

  • How do i know how much to negotiate down the MSRP and whats the best strategy to go about getting the dealer to sell lower than msrp

  • Is it definitely possible to have the dealer take off the add-ons such as the floor mats, first aid kits, etc (dealer told me they are already on the car, cant take it off)

  • is there room for negotiation on destination fee?

It’s really model by model and year by year. Try to find posts here and elsewhere of what people are getting. There’s no magic formula.

Of course you can ask. Will they say yes? Who knows. But absolutely ask. And don’t so much ask, state it… Like I’ll pay $X, but I don’t need the bullshit package, so you’ll of course remove it and take off the price.

That’s part of MSRP and can’t be changed. If it’s a fee outside MSRP, it is a 100% bullshit fee and absolutely take it off.

I don’t think you’ve understood a word that’s been said. What made you conclude a Sportage or Tucson was worth the effort, that they are good lease candidates?

I would add, take a look at Marketplace to see if you can find deals posted by brokers (esp in your geographic area). I think that can provide useful information about what a solid deal might be.

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Thank you So much! will do!

Perfect, will do. Thanks!