MSRP: 47,xxx
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $255.20 monthly with Incentive.
Current mileage: 5,991
Maturity mileage: 30,000
Effective miles per month: 858 , 28 months left
Maturity date: May 1st, 2027
MSD due (if any): 0
Cash due (if any): 0
Incentive for new lessee (if any): $500
Financial institution: Toyota Financial Services
Transfer fee: $199
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): yes
Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details:
BZ4x has Weather package. (Heated Steering wheel, Heated Front Seats).
Has 0 issues just need a SUV for family.
Hey in Queens NY here. Very interested but would like to know the monthly payment after taxes. Also I can take it off your hands if you pay the lease transfer fee. Give me a PM
Since I’m doing him a favor of getting him out the lease he should. I would do it at least. Anyway sorry I got a better deal with a Model Y. $603.90 down and $456.40 a month for 36 months 10k miles a year.
Not sure what a Tesla has to do with my car. Let’s be clear you are not doing me a “favor” this is a business transaction. $255 with nothing down is a very competitive price.