Paying one pay lease with credit card


I am planning to lease a car with one pay and doing the payment with my credit card. I assume it will be around 7K. Do you think dealer would be fine with that? In the past I did down payments with my credit cards around 3-5K and it was never a problem but I just wanted to ask if anybody experienced it lately. I understand, it could be a different answer from dealer to dealer but I just wanted to ask. Also, I am not planning to ask to the dealer. I know, if I ask them, either they will say no or will tell me there will be 2-3K limit on it.


Depends on the dealer. Every place has a different policy on the maximum they will take for a credit card.

You’d just have to ask. Depends on the dealership.

Also can depend on the deal. If it is already a loser, they won’t want to lose even more in CC fees.

If they do have a limit, they usually let you pay up to that limit, and then use a debit card or write a check for the difference.

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All depends on dealer. I know some have no limit and have actually had a family member pay $50k down on an Amex with 0 issues.

Thank you guys. I am getting close to have a deal. I will offer credit card and if they say no, I will offer to cover transaction fee. If they still say no, I will pull up my checkbook.

Someone mentioned in the Lucid config thread that you can ask the bank to cut you a check against your CC balance. I will update my response once I find the comment.

EDIT: It was actually in the EQS thread.

Yes you can. You will be charged a fee but my card had 5% cash back and I meant my new subscription

How much was the fee for the check?

Whatever the balance transfer fee is, which is 3%

So I made 2% against the 5% and I got points for hitting my $6000 spend in 60 days.

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